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Author57th Survival Tournament [Level 11]
Post waves and scores.
Gl to all :)
Died at 6th wave (min AP

1) 36 Wolfhounds - 20 Frenzied Griffins - 82 Sprites - 31 Evil Eyes
2) 1 Jade dragon - 5 Raging cyclops - 95 Ghouls - 6 Dark Witches (attack orb)
3) 4 x 11 Mummies
4) 61 Ghouls - 1 Raiding harpies monster (300 hp) - 3 Paladins - 58 Forest keepers (attack orb)
5) 245 Faeries - 97 Ghosts - 52 Cerberi - 7 Hell reapers
6) 7 Efreeti sultans - 31 Vampire counts - 3 Archangels - 3 Archdevils (Resurrection orb)
7) 12 Horned reapers - 33 Mistresses - 37 Lizard chargers - 95 Wolfhounds
8) 91 Modern golems - 91 Modern golems - 4 Behemoths - 4 Behemoths (mana orb)
9) 31 Senior genies - 31 Senior genies - 14 Dark witches - 14 Dark witches
10) 4 x 15 Black knights (defense orb)
11) 9 Cyclops - 9 Cyclops - 130 Incendiaries - 130 Incendiaries
12) 243 Crossbowmen - 184 Magogs - 112 Tamed minotaurs - 151 EFK (arrows orb)
13) 288 Gremlin engineers - 32 Mummies - 96 Wolfhounds - 1 Hobgoblin monster (779 hp)
Necro scores ???
Dead at wave 8 :(
Dead at beginning of wave 10
only 2 black knights killed
Can any 1 tell me a fine score fr an elf in this ST
I believe i did fine but i gt a git feeling tht some1 did better
demon score of 123k+ :) gl all
tried elf faction with my multi, with 1 attempt left.....lets just say other elfs will need to get over 100k to beat me :)
knight what score?
dark elf 72k+

any dark elf scores?

14) 18 Clerics - 18 Clerics - 1 Clerics monster (1239 hp) - 18 Clerics (arrows orb)
15) 1056 Goblins - 1056 Goblins - 308 Swordsmen - 308 Swordsmen

Made a very, very, VERY stupid mistake at the end of 14th wave. However, the battle went well overall. Having only a slim chance for improvement, I'll probably do the last try with min AP just to gain some FSP.

Good luck everyone!
Highest score: [Knight] 61530; [Dark elf] 22562
closed by Brilliant (2012-04-23 15:23:19)
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