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Author57th Survival tournament lvl-7
good luck to all
plz post waves and orbs
very hard
very very hard i dont know in which wave i dyed but i dyed when we have to kill green dragons and plane wolves
waves ?
1) 4 x 11 forest brethren
2) 7 druids up down , 1 horned reapers left right - ( army help orb - 1 unholy knights )
3) 4 x 9 magis
4) 16 wolf left , 4 genies up , 1 drak witch right , 18 plain wolf down - ( resurrection orb )
5) 16 harpies left , 12 beholder up , 1 bandit M right ( 181 hp ) , 2 clerics down
6) 4 x 27 bandits ( army help - 7 earth elemental )
7) 33 plain wolves up down , 1 green dragons left right
8) 44 harpies left right , 3 efreeti sultans up down ( defence orb )
9) 4 x 14 renegade thugs
9) 14 renegade thugs left and up , renegade thug monster right and down ( 421 hp )
Any Dark Elf Score?
It's renegade scouts left and up on the ninth wave, not thugs.
yea sorry , all are scouts at wave 9 :)
Participants level: 7
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (8 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score: 20391

10. 10 fire elementals all sides
11. 1 greem dragon, skeletal legionnaries(405HP),1 greem dragon, 141 skeletal legionnaries

Any barbarian score?
any knight score my is 11.5k
closed by Brilliant (2012-04-23 15:21:54)
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