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Authorhit points
i was watching a fight with stonegnawers

and i noticed that the hit points of the creature they went back up ??

he was almost killed at 8 out of 55 and then he went back up to 48 out of 55 ??

i seen that before and i dont undertand how he does it

does he heal??
stonegnawers ? Battle Link ?
its the snonegnawer that the DE is hitting a lot the one in front of him
Hit points is the "life" of a creature

however in that battle has more than 1 creature in each stack
so let's say you are hunting 100 stonegnawers, each of them have 55hp
and they are split in 5 stacks of 20
each stack has 1100 HP not 55
:) well Nanda is correct..
he was almost killed at 8 out of 55 and then he went back up to 48 out of 55 ??

That HP refers to the first monster in the "stack". Stack means a set with the special virtual form of one on another. When you hit a stack, you hit the first on it, not everyone at the same time. So, lets say you are about to attack a stack of 10 stonegnawers and you see their HP is 48/55 and you attack. Then lets say you deal 200 damage to them, so what happens is this :

200-48 = 152, so you killed the first guy with 48 HP and you got 152 damage more, so :
152-55 (the next guy has full HP) = 97, so you killed the second guy (who had full HP) and you got 97 damage left :
97-55 = 42, you kill the third guy and you got 42 damage left :
42-55 = -13, your damage is not enough to kill the fourth guy, so you kill only 42/55 and the fourth guy now has only 13 HP left and he is now first in stack.

Overal :

You hit stonegnawers, deal 200 damage, 3 stonegnawers perish, if you mouseover the stack you'll see 13 HP.

All the stonegnawers except the first have full HP (always), which is 55/55, and the first stonegnawer has as much HP as you see when you mouseover the stack.

And, this is common battle rule, it works on all creatures, not only stonegnawers.
theres like a whole bunch of little stonegnawers inside the big one O.o

and i have to kill all the little ones for the big one to fall ^^

so i have to count the number that know how much of life he has left

so when i saw 8 of 55 and his number was 16 that means um

15 x 55= 825 + 8 = 833 life left ^^

wow way more than 8

thx for explaining ^^
simple maths )
theres like a whole bunch of little stonegnawers inside the big one

Exactly, imagine that one stonegnawer you see is an army of stonegnawers. I guess it's just hard to represent them altogether, so they are managed as stacks, just like in HOMAM
imagine is they drew all teh little stonegnawers comming at us like ants ^^

ewww creepy

i think i'dd run and hide if i saw that ^^
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