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Authora suggestion on LG.
how about if a player remains active(travellin,battlin,even scrolling through forums pages) during his enroll shift , receives some more gold compared to players who just enroll and log out?
This could change the game for most of us and a small benefit wont be opposed by those who just wanna increase their LG or collect money.

There could be many other benefits that neednt be told....)
-1 That would just lead to bots overloading the server while they simulate an activity.

Ever heard of "pay-for-ad" stuff, back in 2000? all those banner that you were supposed to click on every now and then and then get paid for it..
-1 if you think about it this could lead to less gold
-1 if you think about it this could lead to less gold

and hows that?
if you think about it this could lead to less gold

and hows that?

my guess is he's hinting at inflation...

There could be many other benefits that neednt be told...
That would just lead to active players overloading the server. ;)

but seriously, guyb has a point there. so perhaps the activities should be limited to non-bot stuff, although that could become another cat-and-mouse game between the cheaters and honest players..
That would just lead to bots overloading the server while they simulate an activity.

The server's current state of detecting online players is not proper , as discovered by alot of people other than me already....

Ofcourse we need updates , but more importantly the SYSTEM has to be upgraded and thats supposed to be the priority in any case anyways.
-1 I don't want to be rich!
-1 not really needed
closed by virtual_vitrea (2012-03-06 18:32:13)
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