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AuthorMilitary Clan Council - Official Clan
there was a buzz in the Great Capital and all eyes were on the captial's square, stood in the centre was the Empress. Looking beautiful in her ceramonial robes, standing infront of her were rows of accomplished lords who had been chosen to represent their military clan in the newly founded council. Amongst them were moderators and secretaries who had been hand-picked to see over the council and make sure everything runs smoothly. 1 by 1 the Military clans entered the Great door which leads to her majesty's palace. Inside the palace the representatives walked to an ancient room, with a high ceiling and candles that were nearly out of wax. In the centre of the room stood a large round table. The empress started to talk "This used be home to our most accomplished lords, the knights of the round table" she paused, "Welcome to the Council"

I am glad to announce the creation of a Military clan council that has been made official by the Empire .. https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7739

we are hoping that the 'MCC ' will bring the Military Clan's together and will help to organise events, and hold votes on game; rules, improvements and anything else brought up by a representative. If your military clan doesn't currently have representatives please urge your leaders to contact syrian.

for information about the clan and it's rules please follow the link above...this post is for official MC news only, for discussion please post here >> https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1912376
The Empress called order to the group of lords sat around the table, Drinks of ale had already been Issued and Patrickou had already become rather sedated. The Empress began " And so for the first formality, we must make sure all representatives are present and 'alive'" she said looking towards Patrickou.
"from the Dark alliance do we have BoJIoD9I and Kusika ?" two men grunted at the sound of their names.
"And from the Guardians of Russia, Saddam ?"
"Are DEATHisNEAR and Queen Amanda here from the League of Shadows ?" the Empress looked at Amanda with a look of disgust, the Empress saw herself as the only Queen
"Hmm do we have the two Elite Warriors ? xCNxNanda and jogamen ?"
"From the Polish Elite do we have Lord Destruktor and dziadu ?"
"And the two Steel Dragons, drachenflame and Aramyl"
"MoxSapphire and Liuker from The Dragon Slaughter ?"
"Mr Brown and artefackt from Rutenia ?"
"from the Warriors Guild do we have the leader, Laitha and Khellendros ?"
" Do we have the representative from The Kingdom ? smswarez ?"
"Guardians of Dragons ? crys41 and DarkSooth ? I hope you two don't quarell with The dragon slaughter representatives"
"from The Witchers Guild do we have Blackartus and Anatema ?"
"Are the two representatives from the European Foreign Legion present ? Apocalyptum and hablaty"
"And finally do we have syrian and Faithbringer from Angels & Demons ?"

"Can I please get acknowledgement from the Official Clan Representatives ? Magier, Edwin and Patrickou ?" she looked at Patrickou with slight distaste,
"and the secretaries, Merlin, Pang and Skunder"
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Thousands of lords, ladies, and their subjects alike, gathered together in the courtyard of the Great Capital and spread out into the streets of the city beyond. They stood in tightly packed masses as they speculated the purpose for this latest assembly causing a dull noise to carry over the city itself. That sound erupted into a great cheer as the Empress showed Herself from a balcony high on one of the castle’s towers with her entourage flanking Her.

The Empress’s herald stepped forward raising one hand to silence the people. When at last they quieted, he extended an ornate scroll before him, showing that he would be speaking the words of the Empress Herself.

With a loud voice he began, “Citizens of the Empire, it is with great joy that I am able to announce to you an event long in the works by my council. There have been many steps and preparations to get to this point, but it is my pleasure, at long last, to introduce to you a group of lords and ladies that have been chosen by their respective clan leaders, the representatives of the newly established Military Clan Council!”

Hushed whispers and open gossip once more filled the lips of the onlookers, and the herald waited before starting again.

When they hushed, he continued reading, “These representatives have been chosen to allow the Military Clans the ability to host events and tournaments within their own power and influences. They will however still be monitored by the Empire! So without further ado, let me introduce to you the representative Military Clans members of our great Empire.”

The herald rolled the parchment up and stepped behind the Empress. She in turn gave the signal to those far below and a great sound, consisting of trumpets, stringed instruments and booming drums, could be heard throughout the city. Wizards stood before the musicians, casting spells to amplify the music that exploded out from them. On cue, a doorway at the base of the castle opened revealing fourteen lavishly dressed flag bearers, each carrying a respective flag of one of the Military Clans a part of the day’s festivities. The flag bearers began marching as one, climbing the stairs to the platform then standing at its rear.

A new group of men and women appeared at the doorway now, each wearing an epaulet of the Military Clan they represented, though in truth they would have be recognized with or without the elaborate cloth. As the first two members exited the doorway, walking side by side and both wearing the mark of the Dark Alliance, the sound of the music changed drastically reflecting a low and suspenseful tone throughout their march. The two reached the platform and moved to their respective places standing before the proud flag bearer of their clan. The music changed once again as the next two representatives, from the League of Shadows, exited the doorway and made their walk. The sounds of the brass instruments held a long single note slowly building into a crescendo until at last several quick, violent screeches of the string instruments sounded, followed by the repeated crashing of cymbals, always keeping the audience on edge. The two took their place. Next came the representatives of the Elite Warriors, heralded by sharp trumpet calls with a backdrop of timpani drums matching the representatives’ every step. And so the council members came on, clan by clan, until at last at least one member stood before each of the fourteen flag bearers.

Above the platform, the herald announced three additional secretaries and three facilitators to act as judicators of the Council. They stoically took their place on the platform to a triumphant and powerful melody. They stood to the side of the representatives, unclaimed by any single clan’s standard. Instead, the secretaries and facilitators stood beneath the flag of the Empire, to symbolize their impartiality to the clans before them.
Together, the members of the Military Clan Council stood on the platform, looking out over the people of the Empire. They were not alone in knowing that the construction of this Council was a hard fought battle, as hard as any battle that they had known. It came with much debate and dispute with the Empress and her advisors and over a long stretch of time.

Their thoughts were swiftly cut off. The Empress’s own voice magically projected down to Her citizens. “People of the Empire, much will be decided in the coming days, for what this Council shall represent, what they shall stand for, and what they shall accomplish. For now, know that these individuals will be working to your betterment and the betterment of us all.”

The people looked to the Council and in their own eyes saw the stiff-jawed and the compassionate – representatives of resolution and caring. Much rested on their shoulders. They knew it, and the people looking to them for the future of their lands knew it. The Council at last was a chance for the people to have their say in the Empire.

The look of the people told the Council one thing. Their roles as representatives would prove to be either a great blessing for the Empire, or the greatest disappointment.

The Military Clan Council is opening an event for all players who are a member of a Military Clan.

The Rules are (do read them carefully):

1. A list of the same hunt creatures will be given to all MC's.
2. All MC members are automatically entered for this event.
3. All participants will be categorized into 3 groups: CL5-8, CL9-12 and CL13-15.
4. The list of creatures will be divided into 3 parts, 1 for each CL group:

CL 5-8
1 – Gremlins
2 – Goblins
3 –Rogues
4 – Imps
5 – Forest Keepers
6 – Zombies
7 – Brutes
8 – Spiders
9 – Angels
10 – Succubi
11 – Skeletal bowmen
12 – Gargoyles
13 – Faeries
14 – Skeletal legionnaires

CL 9-12
1 – Ghouls
2 – Lizard cubs
3 – Sharpshooters
4 – Efreetis
5 – Vampires
6 – Dryads
7 – Giant Lizards
8 – Tamed Minotaurs
9 – Orcs
10 – Wolf Riders
11 – Guardians
12 – Bears
13 – Twilight dragons
14 – Magis

CL 13-15
1 – Cavalry
2 – Mercenary sorcerers
3 – Jade Dragons
4 – Voracious anglerfish
5 – Nightmares
6 – Sphynx warriors
7 – Crazed trolls
8 – Dark Witches
9 – Leviathans
10 – Pit Demons
11 – Rebels
12 – Vampire counts
13 – Raging cyclops
14 – Lodestone golems

5. The aim is to kill as many creatures on the list as possible within the time limit.
6. 1 point is awarded to the MC that kills the highest number of units for each creature on the list.
7. The MC with the highest number of points wins. There will be a winning MC for each of the 3 CL groups. The MC with more points overall will be considered the overall winning MC.
8. Only creatures killed from hunts that are won will count.
9. Hunt assists are allowed, but only with another hunter from the same MC.
10. Participants report their hunt kills and battle links to their MC Event Leader. In case your MC does not appoint one, contact syrian or Edwin1908.
11. MC event leaders (of the MCs that appoint one) check results and help their clan-mates with the event rules/overall results.
12. A list of all participants and winners for the 3 categories will be published. It is up to the respective MC Leadership (of the MC of each participant/winner) to reward their players.
13. The event is to last 9 days: starting 18:00 Friday 16th March (server time), ending 18:00 Sunday 25th March (server time). Only won hunts within this time frame count.
14. "Ad hoc" rules shall be created to cover loopholes and/or unexpected situations.

We hope this event brings fun to all participants.
For public discussion over the event, go to: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1912376

Thank you all, and good luck!
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