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AuthorThief guild
Is thief guild worth 80 euro or worth saving up the money?
NO just buy the thief arts if you want em saving to 1kk at the minimum takes a LONG time and not to many people want to pay around 120 dollars for a tgi
I disagree with LWMking1.
It is based on personal preferences since you said "is it worth it." Everyone has their different Ideas about things, therefore a community answer may not be the same as what yours would be.

You should take time to consider the pros and cons.

Such as a few pros would be: A new battle type, A new way to earn gold, a million gold thief guild invite.
Cons would be: You are spending real money if you use 80 diamonds to buy it, you may not like thieving.

You should also take time to ask yourself questions such as the below.
Do I have the money to spare?
Do I have the time to spare?
Will I be playing the game for a long period of time after this?
Do I actually need it to enjoy the game more?
true true but with the rate of people online the chances of hitting an actual person is very difficult and caravans are harder and only get harder plus it takes for ever to get tg5
Well I bought into the thieves guild and dont regret it as yet. Thanks to the advice of players in my clan I am resigned to not winning at first and persevering in minimum ap. I think that eventually this way I will build a strong character.
if you are a warrior, an additional initiative point might give you a big advantage.
I doubt that anyone actually buys those thief arts..they`re nearly useless after level 8 or so. as LWMking1 already said, the lack of players causes big problems for thieving.
and spending real money in something that is not really worth to be paid with real money..in my opinion it`s just another nonsense to show nobody how cool you are or that you are so powerful with this membership, or anything else.
decide it for yourself. it`s mainly about this bonus in form of initiative. if you have another million gold you can`t imagine where to invest, then buy a TGI, imho.
Well I spent real money and I don't regret it. I like this game, I'm enjoying it and I can afford it so you are right ...it's up to the individual. If you can't afford it well there are lots of other things that can be done for free. It's a great game and compared with others and not too expensive if you can and want to donate to its upkeep you do ...if not...well do the other things.
Is thief guild worth 80 euro or worth saving up the money?
not any more
Is thief guild worth 80 euro or worth saving up the money?


Considering that some people are willing to waste half a million on some rare artifacts, a TGI is dirt-cheap.
considering the significant amount of exp gained after losing TG, TGI is more valuable for a PVE player who simply wants to level up fast and don't care about PVP.
I doubt that anyone actually buys those thief arts..they`re nearly useless after level 8 or so.

at .ru, I'm using thief set with my lvl 10 DE, its immensely effective, shop full arts have no chance at all.

my guess thief set loses its charm after lvl 11

btw, .ru has a second group of thief arts, intended for higher levels, quite more powerfull than current thief set. that sets' arts awarded after TG lvl 6 or 7. Maybe some russian friend can give more accurate info about that set.
that sets' arts awarded after TG lvl 6 or 7.

I think you start getting those arts once you reach TG 8.
after last update I think it doesn't worth it anymore (till they change TG system again to better) but if you want to play only PvE then it can worth it...
its immensely effective
agree on that.
but useless in most cases for large contingent of players, because you can`t use it in tournaments, you can`t take the set to CG, you won`t meet many opponents in group fights (cause smart players won`t compete with overpowered one).
so, the rest is HG, MG, TG, events. events are rare, and using expensive artifacts against some mobs is mostly obscure.

as a result: not many players will buy it/rent it -> it doesn`t cover the expenses.
TG is not profitable anymore.
to be honest tgi with 80 diamonds is a real benefit when you will reach TG5, why?

80 diamonds = 80 * 2.500 gold = 200,000 Gold

Now if you check the price of the TGI in market = 1M (average price)

So 800K gold as real benefit! Now you will say tgi fights are costly... Not really if you do your fights Min AP!

Think about it!
Initiative bonus very important for player vs player. :)
for LWMking1:
its not 120$ dollars lol
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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