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AuthorEstate ID
I would like to buy an estate but this is long term savings so would like to check prospects.

Now estates are shown in 'star' rating order and estate ID order so that if 2 estates have same rating the one with higher ID is on top and it makes ID valuable.

Anyonne knows if it is same on .ru? My question is to check if ID will have any value for future and I assume that .ru shows the future of .com.
The ID does not hold any value. It just means that if your estate has ID #3 and is 5 stars it will automatically come below an estate of equal stature with ID #1 or #2 but above any higher ID.
but .ru is somehow bugged, because they can build a 6th guest room. But if you had a fully upgraded estate BEFORE they introduced the 6th guest room, you still have a 5 star estate, even though it is not fully upgraded ^^

(but still best in my opinion is not to build the reception and guest lounges since you ll never earn it back)
The same thing holds true for .RU - The estate with the lower value ID comes first. But remember, that it only comes first if the price of renting a room os equal to that of another estate. If an estate with a higher ID value has a lower room renting cost, then it will be listed first.

If your question is regarding what I think it is, a potential merge with .RU, you must remember that in many of their regions the price to rent a room is more costly than 100 gold at which many of our estates are offered. So if you want to list yours first, you could simply lower your prices to compete against the other estates.

The ID number has limited value really. People aren't always necessarily drawn towards the first estate on the list. Personally if there were numerous estates listed at the same price, I would choose one of my friends estates first, followed by someone from my MC second and then someone I consider to be neutral (not belonging to a MC) third as opposed to whoever was first on the list.

If you are bothered so much by it when the time comes to purchase an estate, try making an offer on an estate with a low ID value :)
the price to rent a room is more costly than 100 gold
I just checked but this is untrue.
It is 100 gold / day in all regions except a few (i think they are the mercernary quest things)
Thanks for your advices. Most of people I ask, say that buying an estate is a bad idea unless I have something like 5M gold and doesnt know what to do with it ;)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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