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1. 4x44shrews
2. 4x275driads orb attack +7
3. 357gargoyles garg-monster-lev3 2x357gargoyles
4. 58 mercenary sorcerers merc.sorc.-monster-lev2 2x58 mercenary sorcerers orb arrows
5. 4x107 rogues
and it's not a joke
seems a little hard
6. 76 stone eater; 33 air elements; stone eater monster; 33 air elements
6. orb of mana

7. 157 mercenary sorceres/250 wolf riders/157 mercenary sorceres/1 wolf rider monster lvl2
8. 30 cave demons x 2/ 12 leviatans x 2 orb of life restore..
9. 547 lizard cubs/28 abyss demons/276 guardians/203 stone eaters...

I gain just 5.8 racial points..must pass this lvl 9 to gain full 6 points..but is very tough..

Good luck, my comrades..
10. 153 ogres, 191 stonegnawers, 176 minotaur soldiers, 1530 goblins, orb +7A
11. 4x314 grotesques
closed by Brilliant (2012-01-31 04:09:00)
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