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Date: 2012-01-18 15:19:30
From: WhoAmI2
To: KiwiPride
Subject: cards

another cheater to add to the growing list

whats this all about? poor loser?
no, its massage :D
how can u possibly cheat in this game?
he probably thinks that the cards you were getting were too good, even though you were just lucky. So he thinks that you cheated to get good cards and win

It's cause he lost to a kiwi ...
If he is Cheater who are them?:
dont worry , I received similar messages from this guy , he thinks everybody cheat with cards. :)

Sometimes you are lucky and some you are unlucky but its imposible do cheat in card games.
yes me too, see his personal info lol
see his personal info lol
I miss Dalamar2, he was more...eh..blocked

Date: 2009-09-02 16:58:02

From: Dalamar2

To: AKA-Sarobinas

Subject: Cards

Dont ever play me again,as I believe you are cheating.There is no way in hell I could have lost that from the very begging yet I did,because you are either the luckiset person on the face of the Earth (or You Were CHEATING)
and if you are that damned luckiy you need to quit this game and play the lottery in your home state and become filthy rich
You need to fell sorry for people like that and just blacklist him or ignore his mails.
I have this person in my blacklist as well :D he or she is very unusual person
There is not cheat in this game . :) do not worry .. :)
Had problems with whoami2 as well, when reported, he was fined 10k and expulsed from forum after coming to insult mods for "protecting a cheater" (me) and fining "a honest player" (him).

I believe this person ought to be avoided, he has all the traits of a psychopate. Not kiddin'.
NZ rep :)
hard @ 15,
well it seems like he plays this game religiously and rather than all just talking shite about him i just wont take him seriously,

ty all for your input

closed by KiwiPride (2012-01-19 02:35:17)
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