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AuthorQuestioning: Do we need the game as it is?
The game has no updates, no events, no tournaments. The administration is satisfied with miserable online <1000 players.
The game only exists and most of the players are just staying and not playing.
We have tournaments.
need some pvp tournaments..
I know you all hate it and you’ll send me the link to ru thread, but let’s make a comparison from last 6 months; on com – 12 new announcements, a mixed tourney, packmaster event, a minor tourney, regular cards tourneys, mini-events (Halloween, trinkets, new year creature hunts) and lots of survivals (11); ru have 46 announcements, 4 minor tourneys, packmaster event, dark tourney, 2 auctions, invitation program bonuses, steppe goblins attack, shaman attacks, wyverns, 2 mixed tourneys, 2 tri-dark tourney, 1 rebel war, 2 double tourneys, mini-events (Halloween, new year creature hunts, trinkets), rangers guild, knights of the sun event, new thief arts (upgraded) and also lots of survivals (15).
So to respond to question, no, it needs further improvements, more pvp actions. And btw, what is the MCs purpose in this game except once a year event?
About inviting new 'blood' here, how can someone new be happy here and play for a very long time, when there is routine and game monotony?
we need something new AGREE!
mby we will be together with ru ^_^,admin sad.
for crys41:

regular cards tourneys

Useless,prefer to have war event

mini-events (Halloween, trinkets, new year creature hunts

This doesn't count as an 'event',since we get them each year on regular basis

lots of survivals (11)
This also doesn't count as an event,we got so much of this that i'm tired of doing it again and again

a mixed tourney, packmaster event, a minor tourney

The only good things

more pvp actions

Not many players do pvp because its unbalanced
So the first thing we need is balance,Not pvp

for Asesino21:

You speak russian yourself, perhaps you can contact admins and talk some sense into their heads? or mass flood ru forums?
then we all be happy:)

Not many players do pvp because its unbalanced
So the first thing we need is balance,Not pvp

pvp at higher CL is pretty much balanced according to the admin...

so there will be minor changes about balance
I seem to mistakenly have thought that we had an event at Halloween, we had another at Christmas and then another at New Year (as well as some treats to eat/drink) along with a pile of ST and card (PvP) tournaments.

Guess I must have imagined all this?
why don't have very many new.
In ru after ST,already restores mana and hp.
For Atheros:
On ru-server there was a topic about com - mostly complains and no respons from admins. I think admins are no doubt smart people and they are for sure to know English:)
On ru online on working hours is 12-15k, though it's mainly former Soviet Union countries - Russian-speaking (about 200 mln. people to choose from). English-speaking world is more than billion. Why not to use this huge potential???
I'm not a typical whiner in any way, shape or form however I pose this question to those individuals who believe we recieve plenty of events announcements blah blah blah...

Firstly I acknowledge as will many others that the situation here has been far worse in the past dark ages blah blah blah etc. But I would also like to point out that we do not recieve enough events to remain sustainably functional. The jealousy created by our older much better loved cousin .ru and the lack of admin love means that every day people slowly ebb away like the receeding of a tide.

Whilst we do recieve events it is important to note that we do not recieve 'news'. The late coming of an official announcement or complete lack of interest by anybody other than Arctic who seems to have a very erratic menstrual cycle. He appears for a week then dissapears for 4 months - we all know how it goes. Quite simply people are just fed up. .com is a ghost town on its way and soon even the hardest of hardcore players will just think 'ah screw it, why am I wasting my life here' and migrate elsewhere

This year our typical events Halloween, Xmas, May 1st, seemed to take a noticeable hit. Lack of no durability loss, less fsp from the sphynx. these things all add up especially for seasoned players. The MCs are losing interest and inactivity is rife as we all hold on for 'dwarf war' 'rangers guild' 'castle siege' and so on

And the question I pose: If we really recieve enough events for sustainable development then why are the masses not content as they are upon .ru?
I agree that we cannot play blindfold tourney because of low online but pair tournament is quite possible. Minor and mixed would be good too at least once in 3 months.
And of course events - real events - like pandemonium was - not such as Christmas and so on. Also at least 2-3 per year.
Besides the changes introduced on .ru (like TG reform, Ranger guild and other points) will also be welcomed here. It has been already done on .ru - I don't think it is a huge problem to do the same here. If I wrong i would like to get answer from administration concerning their attitude to .com...
If they are preparing for merging the two servers then there will be no event or update. They probably won't even be concerned about losing some of current .com players because certainly after merging there will be more players joining.

However if they lose interest to .com, also there will be no event or update. So this silence from admins could be a sign of very good or a sign of very bad news for .com
"The game as it is" is good enough, i say. you can set your own pace, and for ppl that can't log in for long periods of time every now and then because of work, the fact that nothing happens can even be a good thing... 'cause you know you're not missing out on anything.

but ofc the server should offer a lot more than it does. for instance: what's the point of enchanting weapons if you only get to use them in hunts? what's the point of gathering a thief set or a tactician set if there are no events where these arts would actually be of any good?

if you look at Lexa's profile you can see crystal clear where our admins stand regarding our complaints: utter contempt. so let's relax and enjoy what we have... while we have it.
If you don't need this game as is, then just leave.
There is no need to write about it.
If you don't need this game as is, then just leave.

come on, that's a tad cold, don't you think? i bet you're not totally indiferent to watching players like vidlak or gorobej abandon the game out of boredom.

There is no need to write about it.

but unfortunately you're spot on about that :(
The idea of a boycott keeps coming to the forefront of my mind over the past few weeks. Where a good majority of the server population exit the game for a period of around 3 weeks. I'm sure something like this would register with the admins especially if a few hundred people would be up for this and server population could drop quite a lot. No doubt the admins track our online numbers and if nothing else we all get a 3 week break from the angry mist that surrounds this server. Perhaps we could even put our time to good use who knows. I don't know how many people would be up for something like this.
There has been a rumor going around that the admins are planning a merge between .com and .ru some time in the spring. This is a major speculation based on some very imprecise information, so it could turn out to not be true at all. However, this would explain why the devs have been shy lately, because 1) They don't feel the need to keep giving us updates when a merge is on the horizon, and 2) They maybe be too busy working on the merge to update 2 servers.

I for one have no idea how they could do a merge without causing mass havoc. But the way I see it, it's the only hope left for .com as far as getting the sufficient attention from the devs goes. So I am in full support of it, even if it won't work out well. Of course, this is all just gossip, who knows what is really going on.

The idea of a boycott keeps coming to the forefront of my mind over the past few weeks. Where a good majority of the server population exit the game for a period of around 3 weeks. I'm sure something like this would register with the admins especially if a few hundred people would be up for this and server population could drop quite a lot. No doubt the admins track our online numbers and if nothing else we all get a 3 week break from the angry mist that surrounds this server. Perhaps we could even put our time to good use who knows. I don't know how many people would be up for something like this.

I'm up for a boycott. I don't know whether it would have any effect, but I've got plenty of other games (Skyrim anyone?) that I could play for a month or so.
the worst thing is that one morning we all gonna wake up type lordswm.com and see error 404
yes i want the game as it is, but just refill the artifact shop please :P

and some PvP tourneys won't hurt too
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