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AuthorTavern card game
Hi all
I'd just like to suggest that there could be other card games in tavern besides "Two towers"
Players need to play those games for gold and gamblers guild's points, and they need lots of victories to rank up. Two towers is great game, but playing thousands of "tower-tower" games can drive a man insane. I suggest other games AND tournaments in those games as well. You could put similar games, something in "Magic the Gathering"/"Elements" or "UR" card style, but in not-collector style, like 2-towers (universal deck for all games). And OFC - POKER! But with more limitations than real games - stakes, both min and max depend on guild level. And tournaments in poker... it would be like in 2-towers, same stakes, winnings - but players would have alternatives when entering the tavern.
I mean - since we already have a roulete, why not a poker table as well :)
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Ideas and suggestions".
Yeah poker table is a good thing too
I want Black Jack!
i dont like roulette and i dont like all other casinolike games

if someone wnats to play poker, there are many ways in www than lords

but you don't have to play poker if you don't like it. It's a tavern - place of fun and card games. why so serious? why not to have some alternatives for players who want to play it? btw, isn't this "Lords of war and M O N E Y" ? it's not a coincidence that there's a roullete table in game.
roulettetable is here to make u donate coz of waisting your gold with roulette^^

and sometimes i play poker as well but not here

all in all i dont care about if there is poker in lwm or not, i just dont see a need for that
I think that there should be many other ways of getting money, roullette is too risky, and I lost heaps of money cos of it, black jack and poker sounds like a fun addition to the game :)
black jack and poker are risky too. But it could be nice to have those here :p
then we can change the name from roulette to casino .
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