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Hi! As some of you know [And this is speculation] im in need of a 375K [375,000] Gold loan.

I was wondering if my friend [Forsak3none] could loan me this amount of money [Which will be repayed 1K [1,000] a day until loan has been completely payed back [Note: I have no intention of leaving game ANYTIME soon]

Is there any possible way [>>No Jokes Please<<] for him to loan me this amount?

And yes, I DO know the rule's, [some anyway]
:Loan's must NOT exceed 10,000* per combat level.

And my friend [Forsak3non] is only combat level 6.
Thank you.

P.S.[The 375K is going to be use'd for Shrew's, and yes i have read ALL D.E faction topics in GGF which implies i WOULD be better WITH Shrews]

Thanks again.
only answer is no he cant
not possible.
Buy shrews with diamonds or wait until you are level 8.
Really, NO chance AT ALL!?
Well, what a bummer. Okay Thanks.
closed by Seiran_1045 (2011-12-22 18:44:56)
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