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AuthorTodesh winner of Nov-Dec - Lvl 14 CG - Sunday Duel Tournemen
Congratz to Todesh as the winner of Lvl 14 Sunday Tourney for Novmber/December
He won 5 out of 5, an outstanding result and nobody was even close to him.

If people are interested I thought of doing the same tourney (or different pending suggestion) for January/February I will make a topic about it in OGF soon.

todesh: 5
CreatorOfWidows: 3
Khelledros: 3
Cthulhunick: 2
Magistrus: 1
Jahadad: 1
Danzi: 1
Malicious: 1
MihaiC: 1
r3Buss: 1

* I can have made mistake, doublechack and pm me if you find some

1 Round, 20 Nov:
Khelledros vs Jahadad: Won by Khel
Cthulhunick vs danger: Won by Nick
CreatorOfWidows vs KINGJEMH: Won by CRoW
crys41 vs todesh: Won by Todesh

2 Round, 27 Nov:
Khellendros vs CreatorOfWidows: Won by Khel
KINGJEMH vs Danzi: Won by King
Todesh vs Cthulhunick: Won by Todesh
Danger vs Magistrus: Won by Magistrus

3 Round 4 December:
Khellendros - jahadad: Won by Jahadad
Danzi - KINGJEMH : Won by Danzi
todesh - Cepionis: Won by Todesh
CRoW - Danger: Won by CRoW
Crys - Malicious: Won by Malicious

4 Round 11 December:
Khel - Miha: Won by Miha
King - Magistrus: Won by King
CRoW - Nick: Won by CRoW
Kaly - r3buss: Won by r3buss
Todesh - Slimak: Won by Todesh

5 Round 18 December:
Magistrus – Todesh: Won by Todesh
CRoW – Chthulhunick: Won by Nick
Khellendros – King: Won by Khel
Well done todesh, and after we thought we were safe from you...

Profile used to say 'I hate PvP', it seems you have changed your tune.
Congrats. :)
good job and very nice tournament!
Gratz! Deserved victory.
Gratz! a really leathal player on duel.
Gratz Todesh you are to strong for lvl 14 please get to lvl 15 fast ;-)
Gratz! Good games there :)
Congrats to Todesh!

Very nice event Khel, wish i was the right level to have joined it :)
nice job!
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