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AuthorCoolahed unpaid loan

11-29-11 15:23: Received 100000 Gold from eependi : another..
11-29-11 13:34: Received 100000 Gold from eependi : for one day, good luck
it is for one day,not in 1 dey, 100k to cooly for 1dey,there is no time for loan ..if no it is 1mounth...for one day not=in 1 dey
3.14. There are limits for transfers intended as presents or loans. Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 20,000 * [Combat level] gold. The maximum term for loans is 1 month, unless the comments to the transfers state a shorter period.
Im not sure if it's ok to post this here but he has exceeded the allowed amount of loan too.

Coolahed is lvl 15, so his allowed loan is 20k x 15 = 300000.

12-07-11 13:54: Received 50000 Gold from articdom : last loan
12-06-11 18:42: Received 50000 Gold from articdom : loan number 2
12-06-11 05:30: Received 100000 Gold from articdom : loan
11-29-11 15:23: Received 100000 Gold from eependi : another..
11-29-11 13:34: Received 100000 Gold from eependi : for one day, good luck

In a span of 8 days, he has exceeded the limit and has now accumulated 400k in loans.
Wow, yall really hate coolahed, hes pretty cool though.
[Player banned by moderator Yuri_Gagarin until 2011-12-09 07:36:42 // No 3rd party comments in C&a, local rule 1.]
Haters will hate^^
12-08-11 06:05: Received 1 Gold from eependi : 110k of the loan is gift, 90k to be returned in 1 month

Nice punishment evasion. In all honesty, I think that might do the trick.
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-12-10 11:50:18 // Local Rule 1]
Sorry son.. but you're way outta your league..

and nice ban BTW^^
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2011-12-11 16:36:21 // If you have no useful information to provide then do not post. #rd party comments relapse]
closed by Lexa (2011-12-10 22:29:38)
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