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AuthorTGI which best level to get?
Hmm at begin i thought, it's not a good ideia get it on level 6 because of high amount of exp earned and huge amount of gold spend to buy it...

But i saw one guy, have bought it, still level 6, and already is TG lvl 1, and going to 2...

So my question is, what you guys think, it's better get it on level 6 or wait till level 10?
the sooner the better
the sooner the better
Better choose when u feel u r ready .. :) Any level is not a problem .. :)
the sooner the better

Ambushes at early levels are relatively easy compared to higher levels.

Plus TG on the long run is one of the best ways to get fsp in this game. Even for a loss against a caravan you can get 0.5 fsp and more. So it's the best to get a TGI early in the game.

My general advice to new players is:

Create two characters (read rules!), use one to work and hoard gold for a TGI (only fight little hunts when you have workaholic penalty), use the other to have fun. The goal is to get as much gold while level up as slow as possible. Then, when you have enough gold, declare the TG character as your primary.
the sooner the better
Before making important decisions such as this, give yourself time to think whether it is something you want to do right now. Ask yourself, are you ready for it? Are you really comfortable with the other person you're about to buy the TGI from? There is no "best level" to do it; it is different for everybody all of us have our own goals and dreams in life.

I got my TGI at level 6, and until today I have not regretted it. I'm in my mid-13s now and living happily with TG 6, with 1 more on the way. ;)
if you can afford it on lvl6 then get it at lvl 6!
I agree with Nutella + I would get another advice - try to find some players who would always be ready to assist you in hunts and then kill only 20% in every your hunt (until you play for free without arts, then you should play this way only those where gold reward is higher then your set cost). When you face e.g. 100 farmers and you kill only 20% (0,1 fsp gained), next time you will face 105 farmers, then when you win again this way, it will be 111 farmers, next time 117 farmers, 123 farmers and finally 130 farmers while when you kill all the 100 farmers alone, next time it will be 130 immediately :) What is the point of it? Yea, the fsp and probably exp you got is still the same when you have those 130 farmers but what about gold? When you get e.g. 100 gold per one such hunt, when you fight 5 times against them, it is 500 gold and when only once, it is 100 gold (ok, it is only simply said, the true is that gold amount is generated randomly from some intervals but those intervals numbers are increasing by every winnnig).
If I knew it when I was lvl 1, I would do it zhis way and maybe I wouldn't buy TGI for 80ˆ like I did, anyway it is good option for patient players.

And yes, buying TGI on lvl 6 is probably the best option (especially when you want to play by more factions like me or some other players - not onyl in high levels...)
and sorry for double post, I just forgot to write one important thing - when you play this way, it doesn't mean you will get more gold earlier than by usual hunting, only from long run it is dedinitely better (when u are patient)...
Thanks everyone! :)

Nutella, i'm doing this :)

DaveM, i never notice this, man that's other way to earn more money :) Also i can make hunter assistence for earn some fsp, the minimal amount i gonna take only for join will be 0.10 :)

Yup, i'm going to raise fsp with all factions, but my main will be barbarian xD

Thanks guys again, nice answers.
closed by Lord DecayWolf (2011-11-26 15:59:42)
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