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Authorcouple of questions
I have a question too

enroll code "35gyys"
when ever i get to "35" it says invalid code.

and i dont press enter 24 times in a row during half a enroll code.
Nevermind, its gone....(sorry for double posting)
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2011-11-11 15:12:28 // WARNING, create your own topic, dont hi jack other.]
I would say, based on the error message, that the issue is that the server computer may be facing either some space or multi-access issues. Just try again and it'll be fine.
this same thing keeps happening. i tried it yesterday, and 2 days ago and i had the same error. you try to look up my nick, does it work for you?
Yep it is occuring with me too!
What is the problem?
The nick thing is not working and searching my name without it is almost impossible!!
for Gangstarr: you are not allowed to 'bump' threads. take this as an unofficial warning
try manually selecting something in the 'sort by' dropdown, worked for me.
Hundered of names are shown sorting my name out of them is totally FOOLISH!!
for navimegaman:
i want to see what my position is on the server, not by sort by

that would take forever to find my nick
I also get the same thing. whenever i go to player statistics and type my name in the search box, they say..

Error writing file '/tmp/MYBMfY5b' (Errcode: 28).

so u r not alone i guess. :P

that would take forever to find my nick

use ctrl+f, not more than 10-15 mins
no you still enter your name and it will be highlighted when you scroll down (only shows 100 per page)
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