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Author | Endless Saboteur Event |
A. This is a repeat of the saboteur event that attacked facilities with a few modifications:
1) The event is on-going and never stops.
2) They only attack production facilities during server low times. And during high times they also attack machinery facilities. But they never attack the mining facilities. Something similar to the event could be implemented such as 3 production facilities attacked during server low times and 6 production facilities + 3 machinery facilities attacked during server high times. The defenders can start joining every 60 min (or some other interval). There's a window of 15min before the joining period ends. There must be 3 defenders ready or the combat won't start. Combats start immediately if 3 defenders are ready.
3) Work shifts would vary because facilities would shutdown for a few hours (or some other time period) if defenders lose. When facilities are shutdown, enrollment, buying, and selling functions are disabled.
B. The purpose for this idea?
1) Gives an event for people to do. And not have events lasting only a few days.
2) Without admin intervention facilities runs towards no gold and full stock. This starts with the production facilities and ends with the mining facilities. The random attacks would encourage more enrollment into mining and delay production facilities from running out of gold. Also the shift in enrollment would reduce resource shortages. This would make the economy run more smoothly and with less admin facility refills.
3) I've also accounted for the intermediate facilities: machinery. These facilities can be also attacked during server population peak times.
4) Exp, gold, fsp, something new to play on a daily basis. Daily achievements could be added such as best Defender of the Empire. | C. *Additional features that could be added:
1) Defenders would need to pay an entrance fee to join each combat.
-The fee is to prevent ill-equipped and ill-prepared players from joining. Yes, there should be some medium-high AP requirement; but as shown in previous events there were complaints of ill-prepared players joining.
-The fee would reduce the amount of scrambling (this time with mounts) and click wars.
-The fee would also be added to the treasury of the facility. This would enable the production and machinery facilities to be more self-sufficient.
2) Vanguards can be made to attack the facilities. Players can set them up like other previous vanguards with MC or without.
-This would add a pvp element to the event and make it more exciting.
2a) Attackers might also be required to pay an entrance fee for each combat.
-<same reasons as for defenders>
2b) If defenders (who can see the attackers) choose not to defend a facility, then attackers would get to fight an AI vanguard which may have a boss. And the boss drops special loot such as elements, arts, or extra fsp.
-Since attackers get the advantage to coordinate and prepare ahead of time, defenders should get the advantage of seeing the enemy and choosing whether or not to defend.
2c) Attackers can start forming their vanguards every 60min (or some other interval). The joining period is a 10 min window after which they may have to wait up to 15min before the combat starts.
-This is to match the attackers with the defenders. The attackers get 10min to form their vanguard. Then their attack shows up for the defenders to prepare/travel/join. Attackers wait 15min for defenders to join or not. If 3 defenders appear, then the combat starts immediately. If 2 defenders or less join, then at the end of the 15min wait, the attackers would get an AI vanguard. | +1
very good idea | +1
as shown in previous events there were complaints of ill-prepared players joining.
if the event is never-ending, then this shouldn't be a problem | +1000 | +1 | +1 | +1 another fun permanent feature for this game is just what we need. We shouldn't have to rely on infrequent events. | +1 another fun permanent feature for this game is just what we need. We shouldn't have to rely on infrequent events. | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 Great idea :) | +1 | +1 | +1 superb idea very much in need | +1 | +1 | +1 WOW!!!! |
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