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AuthorWizard magick
How can i have a greater dammage without spellpower like him?
Raise your faction skill level, it increases damage by hero in hunts and MG quest.
All about magic: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=31

When your hero gets its turn, click on the blue book.
but i m already 1 lvl faction, but i hit 20...
in your last battle you hit 30. QATC ?
for RougeLT:
i think when you click on the spell book menu it will say damage: 20

but in reality, it gets amplified according to your racial skill
The Wizard characters also have an increase to the damage they deal with spells to neutral creatures at hunt and on Mercenaries' Guild errands:
in case of direct damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*(2+[faction skill level])/2;
in case of area of effect damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*([spell area]+[faction skill level])/[spell area].


That's the formula for wizards. The higher your wizard faction level, the more wizard spells do damage. The final damage is only calculated after you cast the spell.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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