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AuthorHOMM 6 . . . Who has played it?
Anyone who got it yet? How is the game. Post your reviews.
I buy it online this weekend and after a 7 Gb download and a 600Mb actualization with a very bad 2Mb conexion..... my graphic card ATI X800 GTO is not suported :P

Must wait to buy a better one.
not yet

need free time
Played it, and already addicted
I played oficial version. Game is really nice, i especially enjoyed new system of talents, option to develop dynasties artifacts, campaign add-quests, new ini bar and etc. What about minuses:
- castle window looks really worser and more... well, boring than in HMM5.
- some bugs in the main campain (they may have been a problem of my country's localisation, but i am not sure).
- *it isn't game programming problem, but it spoiled my impressiion* - in the campaign (i played knight, necro and demon) hero's actions look senseless or unlogically or they have very strange emotions. I know, that you can meet this problem in the biggest part of PC games, but...
tryed it, not liking much tbh
tried it, liking it very much,

but i have to upgrade my computer if want to play it in home, actually looking for some cheap graphic card which is good for H6, any ideas?
Lux Dominatoris
actually looking for some cheap graphic card which is good for H6, any ideas?
This saturday bought an ATI HD 6770 with 1Gb.
Market prices with this chip are between 80 and 140ˆ
Maybe not the best card but it moves HOMM VI perfect with a 1680x1050 resolution and is full directX 11 compatible.

The game: still few played but one big difference I found.
There is no Lvl 1 to 7 creatures.
We have 3 basic creatures + 3 elite creatures + 1 champion creature.
Basic creatures have all between 20 and 30 HP, Elite between 70 and 100 HP and champión about 200-300 HP.
The differences between basic creatures ie knights:
- stacks of Praetorians ( like guardians ) Melee unit with 32 HP
- stacks of Crossbowmen Ranged unit with 28 HP
- Sisters , Caster Healer with 25 HP and decent melee.

Looks interesting see battles well balanced :)
anymore opinions on this one? guys..
ohh forgot to add:

How is the Multiplayer part? (if any?) what types are supported, latency, any other issues?
Multiplayes options are very good :)

We can create a inet chanllege , join a inet challenge or make a hot-seat challenge.
The challenges can be:
Standard, a standard scenario
Duel, combat with a pre-set heroes that can be:

Clasic Duel: 1 vs 1 , preset stacks and hero.
Siege Duel: with a castle
Legion Duel :))) : Clasic duel but x10 nuber of creatures :D
10x number of creatures :O that would be amazing brought onto lordswm :D 1000 gargs
getting it for my birthday :D... in the holidays
Just bought it tonight and it is installing on my computer as I type this. (-:
Tried it and it seems just a combiantion of HoMM III and V with great graphichs. Imho, both III and V were better
Not much lively discussion on HOMM6. Any enthusiast care to give your opinion?
I have played all games of HOMM series. The best one was HOMM3 in my opinion HOMM4 was also not bad, however very different from previous ones....

About HOMM6 - i think it is a fail (but I played only offline)

1. Converting castles into your own faction -> u can raise big armies faster BUT it leads that U won't use mixed armies at all and u will convert ALL the conquered as soon as u can.

2. Recruited hereoes are not noobies (lvl of additional heroes is depending on lvl of your main) - but this way it is enough to develop your main fast
and recruit high lvl additionals later

3. Heroes skills are many, but in the long term u will use ALLWAYS the same skills if u wan't be succesful

4. Even on higher difficultcy level it is no match for experienced HOMM players...
Ric: I (and prob many other HOMM players) agreee with that HOMM3 is still the best. Its a timeless classic :)

With regards to HOMM6 I'm at the necro campaign at the moment, so there's still some way to go. However, some new aspects of HOMM seem/are promising:

1. New talent system when compared to the old talent systems of previous HOMM games. BUT.. this would prob result in same essential talents being learnt across all heroes, which would make hero progression pretty streamlined.

2. New faction, sanctuary. Something to explore.

3. More combat buff buildings

4. The soundtrack (you can hear that HOMM3 adventure mode soundtrack remixed in) :)

5. Similar to HOMM5, all factions have a unique combat faction skill

6. Some unit skills which look like they should be repeatable with cooldown are now so (like griffin's battledive).

Things that I don't quite like:

1. Streamlined approach of the game. Having played the tutorial as well, I found the haven tier progression similar in comparison with necro.

2. Small palette of troop lineup

3. The castle conversion, and ability to buy the combined output of all troops from a single castle.

4. Range units with infinite shots..

5. the difficulty settings.. It's pretty easy for experienced HOMM players to mow down hard difficulty ONLY if they play fast. Else if you adopt a camping strategy, you see abnormal growth rates of neutrals and AI; the AI is pretty dumb when defeding castles as well.
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