Author | Statistics |
Statistics of all characters not showing up
Error writing file '/tmp/MYzcv7EY' (Errcode: 28) is on the page :( |
works fine for me ... (now) |
I've encountered this error several times when I have loaded the site over the past week. You could try refreshing it until you get the statistics that you want, that has worked for me after a few refreshes :) |
It workes well for me guys.... |
No problem here ;)
Just try to refresh, like Dizbe said :) |
Yep, for some reason I've been getting that error for the last several months. But usually a couple of refreshes (sometimes a lot more) fixes it. |
working now... refresh dint work when i posted the error just changed..
thanks |
closed by TheSilentkiller (2011-10-04 12:57:08) |