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AuthorPuzzling battle

This battle puzzles me. In the later part of the battle, I see that the genies were "busting for action", yet I don't see that they performed any action, not even a wait or defend. What were they doing? Why did they just stand in one place? What did I miss?
Well, it is bug (in my humble opinion), but i am not sure.
I wonder if the fact that you brought only tier-1 and tier-2 troops into battle confused the AI. Maybe I should try that in my hunt. :)
you brought only tier-1 and tier-2 troops into battle confused the AI

May be...

But in this fight everything was ok:
Well, that's a raid quest, not a hunt.

But I'm sure this bug will not be easy to reproduce.
any bug will not be easy to reproduce.
any bug will not be easy to reproduce.

Why would you make a baseless statement like that? Or are you joking?
maybe it tried to cast poison on gargs and mechanical aren't effected my it so it lost a turn.. (just like elf use rain with any favoured enemy on the field)
This is a known bug.

Once genies in some combats have casted their three turns, they simply stay where they are. This bug has occurred on the Russian server too... Whether it has been fixed over there or not is unsure.
Ah, I see. But it's worse in this case. Genies only cast twice here before freezing.

Perhaps it doesn't matter how many times they cast. It seems the commonality here is that they cast their spells on gargs. Can this happen when creatures other than gargs are their targets?
Joke:they are genies they can do anything without their master's control :P :P

definitely a genie Bug.. hope this happens to me in a hunt :P
Oh i have seen it before, genies staying and not moving, but bursting? thats extreme
closed by Geryon (2011-09-16 14:50:42)
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