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Authorclimb up the laddar
from lvl 1 until 3 is relativly easy to reach a higher lvl. but why there is such a big gap between the following lvls?. how to climb up very fast if possible?
join all tournaments and use the max amount of attempts
then you will get lots of exp
Faster leveling:
1.) Using full arts (more AP = more exp)
2.) More combats
-rent estates to restore faster
-do hunts, mercs, ambushes, pvp, and tourny
-if still can fit in more combats, then buy MH license to get more hunts
But keep in mind that renting multiple estates does not have a stacking regen bonus and that you must be in the same location as the estates to benefit.
If you find that the gaps between lvls is big at your lvl this really is not the game for you.

- Ciran
And also trade Diamonds for gold if you have to.
Quickest way is survival tourney, but then you will end up with very little fsp compared to others at your level.
what is fsp?
Faction Skill Point
Knight: 4 (217.48) +62.5
But It could b awful if u lvled up fast without lvling up ur HG & LG.U will miss out of the benefits from them.
Play hunts with many arts and always alone,
Join all tournaments
Always join a hunter assistance combat
Do Mercenary quests and especially conspirators.

(You'll need to have much gold)

If you want fsp, PvP combats is the best choice

and something last : Become a Thief.
Thieves Level up quite faster than the non-thieves. I've read that somewhere and it seems to be true.
Slow and steady wins the race mate!
y excel in higher lvl only when u can excel in every lvl. try to create a name for urself in every lvl among people of ur lvl. this way u won't mind lvling up atall!
learn to play. its of no use lvling up if u don't know how to play.
Win, win and win once more.
yeah becoming a thief wil give u alot of experience if u keep playing it
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