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Author4th Minor Tournament (Level 12)

Post your scores, please.
17 wins 3 looses

Wizz: 5
Knight: 4
Dark Elf: 3
Demon: 2
Elf: 2
Barb: 2
Necro: 2
Good played.
I must say way to many holy knights...

I've fought:
Wizard: 5
DE 4
Barb 3
Knight 3
Elf 3
Necro 1
Demon 1

Annoying that this tournament came a little time after I leveled up :S
But I will end up with a medal, and I'm really happy for that :)

18 wins.
Well done Erota , Gratz ;)
Hehe thanks Woodbox. But I'm still angry on myself..
i hope it will be enough for a medal (if nobody have 20 wins)

2 very close defeats, i could have made at least 18-2 and maybe 19-1 with a bit more luck, but that's the game...
i hope it will be enough for a medal (if nobody have 20 wins)

2 very close defeats, i could have made at least 18-2 and maybe 19-1 with a bit more luck, but that's the game...

I expect the same :)

The only one i know who win more is Erota with 18 wins , then you, BAYARD and me with 17.
I dont know if someone with 19 and I think nobody with 20 at CL12 , so maybe we get a silver medal :)

The only one i know who win more is Erota with 18 wins , then you, BAYARD and me with 17.
I dont know if someone with 19 and I think nobody with 20 at CL12 , so maybe we get a silver medal :)

I don't know anyone with 19 or 20 wins.
At least an other player managed to reach 18 wins: flar
and he also made a 20/20 at CL11 before level-up and participate at level12.
closed by Brilliant (2011-09-17 20:30:20)
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