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Authororcs bloodlust
how does it work?
each time a barbarian kills an entire stack, orcs will get +1 attack
(gated stacks do not count, phantoms do not count as well i think)
Attack parameter of this creature increases every time any enemy stack perishes completely. The effect is calculated as 1.3*[basic attack of the perished stack without character bonuses]*[strength of the perished stack]/[strength of all army of that character]. The effect cannot be lower than 1. Strength is an unrevealed parameter. Creatures acquire bloodlust for the rest of the combat, bloodlust effects stack up.

is the bloodlust only for a certain period of time?
until the end of the combat :)
sweet. thankyou
closed by theangrybarb (2011-08-24 22:13:58)
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