Author | Bank |
A link to the bank. |
what bank? |
He means bank where he can loan some money (there are special clans for that on .ru)
This option isn't available here, ask your friends if you need. |
well you can ask from rich players they don't mind if people ask their gold usually they even give up too 100k :) |
(there are special clans for that on .ru)
can you explain a bit more how this works?
Why would anyone give a loan to a stranger?
At best he gets the exact same amount of gold back he gave.
At worst he gets nothing back |
for Sven91:
There are special clans on .ru, which are allowed by empire to loan money for some %. |
and what happens if people don't return the loan?
(and could you perhaps link to one of those clans) |
for Sven91:
eveything depends on next fact, as i know: is loan big or not.
Links: - official topic of clan banks. |
No offence guys, but maybe we should move the dicsussion of the bank clans to the RU thread, not Q&H? |
Cool, didn't know such a thing exists even on .ru. So how does it work?
P.S. Yeah this should be on off-game forum. |
(there are special clans for that on .ru)
Who care? ©
I dont care what RU server had; but you are in COM server NOW. ©
and we dont have bank here |
If players wish to continue the discussion about banks on .ru, please do it here: |
closed by Lord DragonEater (2011-08-24 17:18:50) |