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A link to the bank.
what bank?
He means bank where he can loan some money (there are special clans for that on .ru)
This option isn't available here, ask your friends if you need.
well you can ask from rich players they don't mind if people ask their gold usually they even give up too 100k :)
(there are special clans for that on .ru)
can you explain a bit more how this works?
Why would anyone give a loan to a stranger?
At best he gets the exact same amount of gold back he gave.
At worst he gets nothing back
for Sven91:
There are special clans on .ru, which are allowed by empire to loan money for some %.
and what happens if people don't return the loan?
(and could you perhaps link to one of those clans)
for Sven91:
eveything depends on next fact, as i know: is loan big or not.
http://www.heroeswm.ru/forum_messages.php?tid=173399 - official topic of clan banks.
No offence guys, but maybe we should move the dicsussion of the bank clans to the RU thread, not Q&H?
Cool, didn't know such a thing exists even on .ru. So how does it work?

P.S. Yeah this should be on off-game forum.
(there are special clans for that on .ru)

Who care? ©

I dont care what RU server had; but you are in COM server NOW. ©

and we dont have bank here

If players wish to continue the discussion about banks on .ru, please do it here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1839034&page=last
closed by Lord DragonEater (2011-08-24 17:18:50)
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