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AuthorDuality tournament

The basic idea is very simple. It would be some kind of minor tournament, but instead of just playing units of your faction, you could mix it up with another faction. You could only choose units from 2 different factions, one being your actual faction, the other, a faction of your choice. You could only choose to play with one kind of unit of each tier (one tier 1 creature max, one tier 2,... Thus, you could play with poisonner and gargoyles, but not shrews and gargoyles).

Important note: I'll take the exemple of wizzard as the primary faction (the one you're using when entering the tournament) of a player, and demon its secondary faction for the rest of my post, for convenience sake.

Such kind of tournament would create several problems; here are the solutions I suggest:
- castles: so that everyone could benefit from it, you wouldn't need to have the castles for the 2 factions you would want to fight with; just the castle of your "primary faction" would matter.

- faction level: still for fairness purposes, the only faction level that would matter is the "primary faction" one; ie, as a wizzard, if I pick wizzard and demon units, my demon units would deal lower dmg to another player using wizzard as primary faction, but normal damage to any demonic unit (would it be the primary or secondary faction). However, units of the secondary faction must benefit of a faction level if they have a faction ability (gate,...), but it would not have any influence on any damage dealt, as demons can't be a good choice if they can't gate a decent number of troops, etc. Else, every one would pick DE or any other faction with little need of faction level. I suggest that this faction level would be a virtual one, ie, if I pick demon as secondary faction, right now, I have demon faction level 2, but just for the tournament, I can gate as if I had faction level 7, for ex; lvl 7 being the average faction lvl at lvl 11. If I were lvl 5, I'd gate as if I had demon faction lvl, well, say 3 or 4, depending, still, on the average faction level at that level.

- talents: One would access to the 2 talent trees, with the normal amount of talent points for each tree. My demon troops would have 40 talent points, and benefit from the demon talent tree, and my wiz troops, the wiz tree, with 40 points, too. However, as a wizzard, picking darkness talents would be of no use.

- Recruiting: It's hard to explain the idea throughly since there is no specific data from administration, but let's have a try: you would be able to pick proportionnaly as much units as if you were playing with a single faction. Ie, if max garg recruit count for that level is of 75, I couldn't get more.
I can think of 2 options (the restriction of one type of each tier max explained earlier would apply to both):
_Option 1: There would be no restriction; ie I could pick a whole wizzard army if I want, or a whole demon one. Or maybe I could just want to have imps, and the whole rest as wiz. I believe that picking max garg reduces more the recuit count of other tiers than max gremlins. That should impact demon troops in the same way.
_Option 2: This one would be likely easier to implement. The recruit count would be splitted evenly beetween wizzard and demon faction. Max recruit count should be the same, but you couldn't max out 3 stacks at lvl 11 with wiz troops, but just 1 or 2 stacks (depending on which stacks and their relative impact on the recruit count).

- Rewards: It would work in the same way as Minor and Blindfold tournaments.

Side note:
After the end of enlisting, you would be given 5 minutes to prepare both your recruit count and your talents. Talents would be on 2 different pages (one per faction), while recruiting would be done on a single page per both faction.

It is all I can think of for this idea right now. I hope you'll like it!
+1 great idea! my one question is, is your second faction upgraded as much as your first, ie say if you have gremlin engineers do you get spawns for free or somthing?
my one question is, is your second faction upgraded as much as your first, ie say if you have gremlin engineers do you get spawns for free or somthing?
I believe so, because "- castles: so that everyone could benefit from it, you wouldn't need to have the castles for the 2 factions you would want to fight with; just the castle of your "primary faction" would matter."

This would be very interesting. Imagine the number of possibilites! I'm quite sure there will emerge certain combinations of factions that are superior, however it will be immense fun finding that out!
it will be immense fun

100% agree :D
I had forgotten to had about morale: there should not be any morale penalty for having some troops of 2 different factions (I believe there is one in merged hunts). Necro troops would still have 0 base morale, and the other troops, 1 morale (even if the primary faction of the player is necro).

This would be very interesting. Imagine the number of possibilites! I'm quite sure there will emerge certain combinations of factions that are superior, however it will be immense fun finding that out!
That's the point. Surely; that might not be perfectly balanced, but so does mixed tournament. Yet, they are very funny.

my one question is, is your second faction upgraded as much as your first, ie say if you have gremlin engineers do you get spawns for free or somthing?
Yes; Skuwak is right: you would get a castle fully upgraded for your level. If not, very few people could be competitive and it would spoil the fun part. Anyway, I consider that admins made tournaments to be fair (if not, it would not be restricted to shop arts).
Suppose I use wizard as my primary faction and take dark elf as secondary faction. Can I take elemental call as a talent? Seems a little overpowered. So, I would further suggest that for the secondary faction, all talents that affect the hero be cancelled.
So, I would further suggest that for the secondary faction, all talents that affect the hero be cancelled.
Yes, that makes sense.
I would suggest the following:

2 factions, but with different effectivity.
One primary faction (maybe it even has to have the higher fsp level), where all units are upgraded, and talents only from primary faction.

And one secondary faction. The units are only non-upgraded and no talents can be picked from there, to prevent overpowered combos of talents, and to have the secondary (not normal) bonus units only normal and not strong.
+1 ... but secondary faction as described by I O Y A + chosen by PC
why do you only need to have the castle for the first faction?
I thought this would be a tournament where playing multiple factions actually had an advantage.
-1 now. Players with fl9 or 10 and 0 in all others will still dominate
I thought the idea of this tournament is to allow playing multiple factions to give room for as much mix-and-match as possible. Something like to 'borrow' the special abilities of units from different factions to give an advantage to your main faction overall. Maybe even giving rise to certain overpowered combinations, but it's a tournament for fun. It does not have to be so serious and on so-called equal footing as in other tournaments.
yes but if i was wiz i would want spell power not attack so woulsn't any other factions troops be absolutely rubbish ?
Then boost yourself the other way, not more spellpower, but more hp and survivability :)

For example: Guardians instead of golems, treefolk or instead of sphinx or hydras instead of genies. There are so many possibilities!

Wouldn't it be fun to see 100% shooter setups for elvish players or tanky for wizards?
Its superb
Nice idea +1
Superb Idea +1
Awesome idea +1
I would suggest the following:

2 factions, but with different effectivity.
One primary faction (maybe it even has to have the higher fsp level), where all units are upgraded, and talents only from primary faction.

And one secondary faction. The units are only non-upgraded and no talents can be picked from there, to prevent overpowered combos of talents, and to have the secondary (not normal) bonus units only normal and not strong.

About the main faction part, I think that it doesn't differ much from what I suggested. I fail to see why you would want to force one to play with the faction with more fsp, since for that faction, real faction level would be taken in account, ie low fsp would mean have a disadvantage. I also believe that picking the right talents for the other faction could be part of the fun part of it. You could, for exemple, pick, say, main as demon with offense talent, and rush to the ennemy for quick and massive damage, and choose knight as secondary, with defensive talents, and defend with an ubber pack of guards and xbows to finish of what's left of the ennemy.

Now, let's talk about upgrades. I kinda disagree too. Part of the fun is playing with two faction for real, isn't it? Who would want to play with loosy gremlies, or lame skellies while you could have engineers or skel bows? Hounds for cerbs? To me, it woul spoil a big part of the fun.
There's another problem which is about might and magic balance. I won't debate about one being better than the other, but it must be how things are good in admin's view. If you are forced to fight with loosy units, then, magic won't really get weaker, but might will be much more weaker, thus magic being overpowered in comparison to how it is right now.

In short, I disagree to both restrictions about secondary faction.

why do you only need to have the castle for the first faction?
I thought this would be a tournament where playing multiple factions actually had an advantage.
-1 now. Players with fl9 or 10 and 0 in all others will still dominate

I tend to agree with Skuwak's reply in 13. You shouldn't be restricted in playing with just 2 factions just becausr you have 2 castles. Else, imbalance would be even higher, because that DE does wonders with his necro castle, in comparison to that necro with his wizzy castle (no need to argue about my exemples, I just throw random factions ^^).

In my view, events should not be restricted to any category of player, ans thus should not give any advantage to a faction, build, particular playstyle or wathever. I mean, half players only play with one faction, if not more. They shouldn't not be excluded from that kind of tournament. There are already some incentives for multi factions, that would still work in that tournament, as you would still have faction resist to both of the ennemy faction, afforded you have levels in these. That is my opinion, as someone playing with multiple factions already...

What's more, in lower levels, hardly anyone can afford 2 castles either. I mean... Did you create an alt after the LG reform? Early in, buying castles was quite easily achieved, but now, 2 full castles with a full set is quite an achievement in itself at lvl 5. I did that on .ru, but I have 700 enrols for 200 fights... Again, that would restrict too much the number of players that could potentially compete decently in that tournament (utterly imbalanced fights are not funny). It doesn't make much sense either, to multi faction early in, as the fsp gap is not very big for low and high faction levels in that level.

So, I disagree with you.
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