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AuthorMinimum Armour/Ammunition Point Combats
Firstly I'd just like to remind everyone that there is no legal or moral enforceable rule to hobble yourself and strip your armour if another players tries to impose a minimum AP rule in a group battle.

I am noticing with increased frequency some players create a group battle and declare in the description that participants must comply to an AP handicap; and then display mock outrage when participants don't comply to their "rule".

Many of these players who create these fake Min AP rules, don't follow the Min AP rule themselves, but expect others to hobble themselves in the hope of an easier win.

It is not too difficult to enrol and engage in commerce to finance weapons and equipment.

Many players including myself have played and paced themselves effectively and can easily afford weapons and equipment. I also paid for my own TGI in gold.

I also have family commitments that mean I can't spend hour upon hour of enrolling.

For those about to have a brain spasm and vent some mock outrage because I had the gall to remind players that they can legally and morally ignore Minimum AP rules, I have some advice for you.

1. Get a multi: While you fight with one toon, you enrol with the other.
2. Stop gambling!
3. Fight in duels: You can boot players who don't "conform" there.
4. Stop gambling!
5. Get a few friends together and each of you start your own Minimum AP clans. That way you can have Clan Vs Clan battles, and you can boot people out of the clan that don't comply with your clan rules.
6. Stop gambling!
7. Repair your items: It is almost always cheaper to repair, than sell worn equipment to buy new equipment.
8. Stop gambling!

7. Repair your items: It is almost always cheaper to repair, than sell worn equipment to buy new equipment.

i just wonder did you know the ROI on this? the I is very huge until you can get the R. also, it take a very looong time to hit the R as well XD
Legally yes; but Morally no. So if someone asks others to play within some sort of rule, you believe it is morally okay to completely ignore their request?
i just wonder did you know the ROI on this? the I is very huge until you can get the R. also, it take a very looong time to hit the R as well XD

A fair point. But there are repairers out there that repair at cost + 5%.

Legally yes; but Morally no. So if someone asks others to play within some sort of rule, you believe it is morally okay to completely ignore their request?

Absolutely Yes! The rules are clear. The moral imperative is to reward success and hard work; not laziness, vice or failure!

Where is the sence in creating such provocative threads in GGF? Everyone who was in similar situations or need to know that knows that.
i dont know...

if u dont maintain the ap rules or whatever it is, the game wont be fair.

i have enough money to buy ammunitions , but when someone says min ap battle, i always join with min ap. the game will be fair in that way.

if everybody comes with same strength, then you can show your true potential.else it will be one sided battle.
Where is the sence in creating such provocative threads in GGF? Everyone who was in similar situations or need to know that knows that.

Provocative to who? Those who try to enforce Minimum AP rules when there is no such rule are the provocative ones.

Am I not allowed to express my concern with this concerning Minimum AP trend?

Why bother try and develop a tough toon when I must hobble myself to comply with player that doesn't manage their toon properly.

There is no legal enforcement of the Minimum AP rule. This is known in advance. There are legal consequences if a player protests another player that "breached" their Minimum AP rule by voicing threats or going AFK. This is also known in advance.

I also provided several suggestions to those players who insist on Minimim AP rules and how they can continue playing that system without imposing on the rest of the gaming community.

Why is this even an issue?

People like different choices. This is simply another choice they have made to differentiate their game experience.

A player who has a full set of arts and is wanting a full arted battle can just as easily set up their own group battle and request that players wear full arts when fighting them! You have a choice too. If you are not happy with people posting min-ap only group battles, you don't HAVE to join them! You can just as easily create your own with your own conditions.

While it is not a legal requirement, it is morally right to follow the requests of players in the battle description. If you don't like the idea of a min ap battle, merely set up another. No skin off one's nose!
if u dont maintain the ap rules or whatever it is, the game wont be fair.

Then why did the developers bother to introduce equipment at all? So it would never be used?

i have enough money to buy ammunitions , but when someone says min ap battle, i always join with min ap. the game will be fair in that way.

If someone has poor equipment why don't they try to fight someone of lower level in an Optional Combat, or fight a duel, or fight in a Min AP clan vs Min AP clan?

completely agreed with Dizbe.

well all players dont have the time to sit around and enroll.Some just come for fun and the game is for all.if a player states about min ap,just dont join.

"If someone has poor equipment why don't they try to fight someone of lower level in an Optional Combat, or fight a duel, or fight in a Min AP clan vs Min AP clan?"

i have a multi,its money is around 100k gold. But i always play with min ap.in that way i can have the fun of gb with as much low cost as possible.maybe u also better try that out..save money have fun :)
A fair point. But there are repairers out there that repair at cost + 5%. yes its still not worth of gold sword repair 22k you got 63 dura so cost of 1 dura is much more than new unrepaired ones cost per 1 btl.
I was on ru server yesterday and it was full of such btls where creator writes min OA and is having full himself in that case i dont see any reason to not wear full myself :/
Lol Ravenclaw

I have met people like you that have NO concept of sportmanship.

If you want to wear full ap, create a match yourself. Some people (BTW those people gets VERY rare as you level up) will join.... as well as those occasional 'forgetful' and 'illiterate' who will join ur full ap match with min ap (another VERY annoying species like those with NO sportmanship i.e like you). THEN you will understand FUN and you SELFISH rights NOT to follow battle description.

I am lucky to have some opponents at my level who constantly plays min ap battles (LUCKY to play GBs in this game.. shall i remind you of dwindling number of .com???) as well as CG battles (that's WHERE you DO use full ap and FIND people who WANTS you to use full ap).
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-21 10:16:51 // Name-calling/relapse]
it is morally right to follow the requests of players in the battle description.

And if a player doesn't comply, what then? Should they be vilified, fined, banned from their clan etc, or should the players get on with the battle and fight to the best of their ability?

When setting up a group battle, is it morally fair to restrict factions, enchantments, types of equipment (within rules already imposed) etc?

Why spend 2 million gold to buy a Venomancer set, if you are just going to receive mock outrage if you bring it into a group battle?

What happens to gaming communities where failure and imposing failure on others is an accepted practice!

Firstly I'd just like to remind everyone that there is no legal or moral enforceable rule to hobble yourself and strip your armour if another players tries to impose a minimum AP rule in a group battle.

There is no legal rule. Fact.

There is no moral rule. Morality a man-made concept; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is up to the individual. But we'll see what the LWM community thinks. Is it morally right to ignore min AP rules? So far we have 1 vote for yes (you), and 4 votes for no (including me).It is not too difficult to enrol and engage in commerce to finance weapons and equipment.

Many players including myself have played and paced themselves effectively and can easily afford weapons and equipment. I also paid for my own TGI in gold.

I also have family commitments that mean I can't spend hour upon hour of enrolling.

For those about to have a brain spasm and vent some mock outrage because I had the gall to remind players that they can legally and morally ignore Minimum AP rules, I have some advice for you.

1. Get a multi: While you fight with one toon, you enrol with the other.
2. Stop gambling!
3. Fight in duels: You can boot players who don't "conform" there.
4. Stop gambling!
5. Get a few friends together and each of you start your own Minimum AP clans. That way you can have Clan Vs Clan battles, and you can boot people out of the clan that don't comply with your clan rules.
6. Stop gambling!
7. Repair your items: It is almost always cheaper to repair, than sell worn equipment to buy new equipment.
8. Stop gambling!

It's not about the money. You missed the point here.
And if a player doesn't comply, what then? Should they be vilified, fined, banned from their clan etc, or should the players get on with the battle and fight to the best of their ability?

I think a player has every right to express mock outrage when participants don't comply to their "rule". , as you put it. As long as they stick within the game rules with what they say and there actions thereafter. They should certainly stick out the rest of the battle, even if they do not agree with the fully-arted players actions. To not do so and itentionally go afk or lose would be to break game rules.

When setting up a group battle, is it morally fair to restrict factions, enchantments, types of equipment (within rules already imposed) etc?

Absolutely. Because they know that other players do not have to join them if they don't like the conditions of battle. :)

Why spend 2 million gold to buy a Venomancer set, if you are just going to receive mock outrage if you bring it into a group battle?

The player who has purchased a venomancer set is perfectly capable of creating their own group battles and setting their own conditions, I am sure.

What happens to gaming communities where failure and imposing failure on others is an accepted practice!

You make it sound like these full art players are mindless sheep who simply MUST enter a group battle because it has been posted. If you don't think you stand a chance of winning, that the other player is imposing a loss on yourself by forcing you to wear min arts... Guess what? You don't have to join them! :o
I have met people like you that have NO concept of sportmanship.

I also have met people like you that have no concept of sportsmanship. I treat friend and foe on the battlefield civilly and thank them win or lose, even people like you. A good sports person competes to the best of their ability, and expects the same from their competition. Hobbling yourself because a competitor hasn't effectively prepared is just stupid. Sportsmanship doesn't come into it.

It's not about the money. You missed the point here.

The minimum AP rule has almost always been about the money! The rest of the time it has been a hussle! I don't see very many players that worked hard for their equipment set minimum AP rules.

you write so much that i dont even read em anymore so your points is you are fuker joining to min ap btl with fulls and now complaining people creating em and whining for you?
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2011-08-22 08:10:15 // foul language]
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