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pls help me my this account is hacked by Elitespartan95 pls tell me what should i do??????????/////
[Player banned by moderator DragonEater until 2011-08-19 18:23:34 // long string violation; easy on the '?']
change your email
How do you know it is hacked?

Perhaps you could just change your password.
noo see my transfer log my all gold transferd i beg u help me
The administration does not return any transfered gold stolen, he will just get blocked.
You weren't "hacked". If someone had the ability to hack an account, they would choose one with a lot more money than yours.

It is likely that you have fallen for a scam. Perhaps in the future you should be more careful giving out your password or changing your email.

i didnt give my pass to anyone
.... watch where you use the word "hack", when everything goes bad it's not a "hacked" situation. Anyway, just report that guy in that case, he will be blocked and you won't get your gold back (unfortunately).
but who do you say the hacker is? who stole your money?
i got a PM a while ago and the sender said, you want to know how to make 30k gold for free, all you have to do is register your email on this site and password, i deleted it instantly when i saw it
[Player banned by moderator DragonEater until 2011-08-19 19:15:47 // don't hijack other people's threads; create a new one/warning]
Yeah, Ugly-Face did write how they got your account. It's either diamond, gold, new features whatever. You just need to change the email to the one of the scammer - soon they get your password and will transfer everything.

Have a password which is NOT the same as your username. He may just be a phishing, scamming, dirty rotten troll.

Your password is like a secret, tell no-one and ensure it is strong (long and uses numbers)
Also, never type your password on any other website other than lwm's login screen. And for better security use the lwm's scrambled virtual keyboard and click in your password in case your computer is compromised by keyloggers.
for anshsinghal:
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=113 write here
for anshsinghal:
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=113 write here

He already created it 1 day before you reply. Think twice before reply!
closed by Lord Edwin1908 (2011-08-20 17:29:55)
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