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Authoradvice on elves
Hi, I opened this topic for a question that came to me about elves. Currently I am an elf at level 4, but I hope to get to level 5 in no time ... I play mainly in GB and are undecided whether to change the race (such as barbarian) but I'd like advice on which race is an advantage later on ... I really like both the elves and then I would ask if it's worth changing race to play gb or if I need to keep the elves, I'd like to know what talents to take and above all, that tactic against wizards and barbarians ... Thank you in advance ... greetings
I really like both the elves
Since you have fsp in Elf, it's good to stay with it!

Well you're gonna need luck.

Not sure about tactics, look here https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1903762
If you are looking for advice on elfs Look at this post...

ok but I had already seen that topic and opinions confused, and I would like someone who expresses the same thing so I opened this topic!
If you look tactics,better look dark elves but if you wish to do more magics and archery,then opt elves.Yes de will be god for wizards and barb.And elves could be good if you played trickingly against knight,necromancer.
and what are the talents that you advise me? I know just one thing, that after basic fortune you can use advanced fortune.
No instead those which befalls only some times,you can try others like rain of arrows for elf and elemental call or basic offense or basic leadership for de since rogues if given more morale or more attack,they strike more powerful and often.
barbs are best for MG quests. If you think about elves, u need to remember that their units are not as tough as those of barbs. So u need to play carefully
Once you eliminated orcs,concentrate on wolf riders with the non shooters,then it's easy!
barbs are best for MG quests barbs are actually worst for mercenaries as well as hunts
for _force_:

for Acron:
1) I think you contradicted yourself

No instead those which befalls only some times,you can try others... basic leadership

2) No luck = No elf
For hunts, mgs and tournaments elves are good but if you want to play gb's and duels too then barb is better than elves at lower levels. For level 5 elf you should take rain of arrows. This is my opinion. Hope this helps :)

For GB, I would say that barbs are likely tougher for me than elves, but I still lost and won in duels to both.

On higher levels, barbs are the best when it comes to shooters; orcs are the best ones; along with cyclops, they really hit hard.
Elves have great range too, but better melee units I'd say, esp because of speed and ini. Barb is, instead, slower, but hit harder. Actually, that's roughly instant kill of ennemies stack if barb is at full HP when hitting. As per low HP of elves, that's for lower levels I feel. Uni and trees aren't easily downed, and efk are quite resilient if stoned. I don't think barb is much more resilient actually.

As per fights against AI, elf would be the best pick. They are one of the best factions at it IMO.

If I had an advice to give you, it is to keep in mind, that you will likely play for years with the same faction. Playing a faction good at hunting, is not worth it if you don't enjoy these hunts. You should think of which kind of playstyle you like the more. Changing faction at your level is easy, but later on, most players can't afford that - and if they could, they sometimes can't because of low fsp.
and efk are quite resilient if stoned

xD lol

for _AnGeAl:

If you stick with elves make sure to always have alot of luck and moral, it'll help.
my opinion knights are VERY good at monsters at level 7 or 8 i would change to a barb if you change to knight not alot of men due to low fsp same with necro at level 5 low skellies demon low gating wizard no extra damge in hunts and bad mini arts
so de or barb i would say
and efk are quite resilient if stoned

xD lol

Of course, if you play in min AP, any creature is weak.
If not... At my level, an elf can have 59 efk; ie 708 HP. I can have 17 genies, ie 680 HP, ie slightly less than efk.
In full arts, they can end up with 31 DEF, +9 from stone = 40 DEF
Genies, with +DEF minis, end up with 43 DEF (with might set), ie slightly more than efk.

So, stoned EFK are almost as much resilient than my might genies. Yet, genies are resilient, because of that def mini art, and the building increasing their recruit count... You'd better think of what you're typing first, before laughing of what one said. Or, at least, bring some evidence of why I'm absolutely wrong.
for Acron:
1) I think you contradicted yourself

2) No luck = No elf for Nav_lfc:

yes,luck is needed for each and every faction and it will befall sometimes only.There is avenger's guild for them.Other's don't have one.But for elves though needed,instead of talents,could try rings or something.Talents could be used for some good magic or atatck purposes for better hero attacking.
for Acron:
elf are a bit weak without luck since they have low HP.so luck is very important for elf..when luck combines with favored..they can dish out some serious dmg
yes sry.I told if we use those as min arts instead of talents,we could use those luck and talents like rain of arrows,instead of using defense as min arts.That could help him.
i dis agree with must need of luck:) i in pvp take battle fury i deal damage equal to the lucked damage of normal forest keeper
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