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AuthorHero attack range
Does anyone know the formula of how this increase with more attack? (Just thought of this now, it may even be very simple)
Exact formula of hero's damage is still unknown. All what I know - more attack -> more damage range.
yes, but "real" attack (from level up, mercernary guild and such) give a bigger boost to hero damage than "fake" attack points that come from artifacts
1. equip some art may increase your hero damage ( like ruby gladius, dragon eye,pendant of wrath)but at your lv i'm not sure.
2. talent thrusting might & weighty weapon.

sometimes hero deal more damage like u have 10-20 damage but hero deal 22 damage. In this case i'm not sure how it's happen maybe it's becoz fsp but not sure...
visible way (can be show on hero status): increase the attack parameter such as equip artifacts or use the erudition talent to increase the attack parameter; increase the min and max damage output by using fury; mighty weapon under barbarian talent

invisible way (wont show on hero status): talent boost such as cold blade, enchanted arts bonus damage, escort bonus damage.

those could affect your damage output. but, hero damage gap is another story, i dont see any other way to fill the gap. oh yeah, bless only work on troops XD
sometimes hero deal more damage like u have 10-20 damage but hero deal 22 damage

it happens when u wear enchanted set or H,MH,GH,BB set
I'm pretty sure hero damage increases with combat level as well.
yes, but "real" attack (from level up, mercernary guild and such) give a bigger boost to hero damage than "fake" attack points that come from artifacts
As far as I can tell, defense also influences dmg output of the hero, but not as much as attack. However, out of barb heroes with proper talents, dmg from hero doesn't really make a difference, specially on higher levels, where troops amount increase much faster than hero dmg.
invisible way (wont show on hero status): talent boost such as cold blade, enchanted arts bonus damage, escort bonus damage.

Status won't show.But can see talents and in battle can see his talents he use too.And attack increases too.
escort bonus damage

I thought that was removed?
Yes escort now does normal hero damage. Old Pang must have been talking about the glorious old days of the knight. :D

For Elves, Rain of Arrows will give extra 30% damage though.
I'm pretty sure hero damage increases with combat level as well.

Yes it does, kusika has 10 attack but he hits 19-21
it happens when u wear enchanted set or H,MH,GH,BB set

here https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=24518207

my hero has no enchant or set but deal 115 damage instead 78-105
i think i read somewhere here that hero damage is depends on art he wear. not only weapon, but also armor.
[Post deleted by moderator DragonEater // foul language]
[Player banned by moderator DragonEater until 2011-08-10 20:45:42 // masked foul language/warning]
well my experiment show that cold blade and retribution increase hero damage as well.
Status won't show.But can see talents and in battle can see his talents he use too.And attack increases too.

you misunderstood, the hero stats will not show the bonus dmg. for example: it still show 10-12, even you apply with cold blade. but, in battle, you will found out your hero can deal 13 dmg which is beyond the stats show in hero status
Also I was wondering, does damage depend on faction? How so?
Yes same question arose me too.Once i tried barb and hero having 1 atk,attaked 4 dmg often.But necro havin 0 atk,attacked 2 dmg only,but when used hunter broadsword,the attack increased only to 3 dmg only.Mystery.
Yes same question arose me too.Once i tried barb and hero having 1 atk,attaked 4 dmg often.But necro havin 0 atk,attacked 2 dmg only,but when used hunter broadsword,the attack increased only to 3 dmg only.Mystery.

"real" attack (from level up, mercernary guild and such) give a bigger boost to hero damage than "fake" attack points that come from artifacts

Also I was wondering, does damage depend on faction? How so?

Faction doesn't matter. Well, some factions can deal higher dmg, but only because of talents.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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