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AuthorCaravans stats
I wonder (for some time) why caravans aren't acting like a controlled AI player, with his stats and talents according to each level.

Example: at lvl 6, AI caravans cannot do anymore mass casts (not enough talent points for that - especially elven caravans), and should be pre-set at fsp lvl 6, with associated parameters added to caravan troops (attack, defence and initiative) and also some primary points added for various guilds level-ups. Let's say that at lvl 6 a caravan should have HG 4, LG 4, MG 2 and TG 0. So those 7 primary should be add to caravan stats and another primary as for wearing arts (how much for each level that can be debate further).

And for high levels, caravans should have:
lvl 8-10: HG 5, LG 5, MG 3 and TG 2 with racial 7
lvl 11-13: HG 6, LG 6, MG 4 and TG 4 with racial 8
lvl 14-15: HG 7, LG 8, MG 6 and TG 6 with racial 9

Tired to fight with EFK with 20+ ini...
This has been suggested by MasterTI long time ago, that why caravans have insane stats

As for another primary as for wearing arts

could be pre-set (for each level) as for full arted caravan hero or middle arts caravan (or how admins want to implement it).
Then after each fight, through dynamic balancing, either increase/decrease strength of caravan troops (current) or increase/decrease 1 parameter point of that type of caravan (until min AP caravan i suppose, but without parameters 'gained' from guilds).
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