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hello i am on lvl 1 and i saw a player who has on lvl one fight against alot of army like caravans so can sombodey plis tell me how to do that

here is a link:https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=468516172
those are mg missions however they are almost every singleone impossible to beat before lvl 5
ok how do i make them?
go to yellow lake or seraph tear, and click public service where you find mercenary guild.
Mercenaries guild in yellow lake and seraph tears can give you those quests, but you really should get to level 5 first
i am on lvl 5 but i still cannot start a quest i dont know how i have a sword icon but i have no idea what to do now?
go to area with the sword icon.

then, somewhere there (read your mission again), you can find "start quest" icon.
ok said somthing how can i fight caravan i mean i dont have money to buy invation but still how to i get one?
well there is a difference between caravan and brigand...

- Brigand comes from MG mission <- needing nothing just moving to YL or ST and accept those kinds of mission when availuable (pass by until having the one you want)

- Caravan comes from TG (ambushes) <- needing beeing a Thief (cl 6 at least)

But in any cases i will suggest you to level up
is _EliteSpartan_ same person with Elitespartan95 ? if yes, you find trouble here.
no he is my brother
closed by _EliteSpartan_ (2011-08-08 12:43:13)
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