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Authormeaning of GPC
i know the full form now its General Progress Coefficient but don't know the definition of it, can anyone help me about it.

It means how much you have progressed in the game.

I believe this is the formula: GPC = 0.713*CL + 1.111*FL + 1.25*HG + 1.25*LG + 0.667*GG + 1.43*TG + 1.67*MG
So, if you want a good GPC, you should play multiple factions and have high guild levels.
Does CG count towards GPC?
Not yet but will be in the future (according to Arctic)
Wow .. this is the first time I know this formula .. :) Thx for Dragon Eater .. :) Yeahh .. Multi-Factionals play is a must to have a good GPC .. :)
Where can you find your GPC? Or do you have to calculate it yourself? 0.o
For mageof10:

http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=10&levelfin=10&sort=26&napr=1&fra k6=1&submit=search...&nick=

You are #42 in level 10 dark elves and your GPC is 46.61.
The formula seems rather arbitrary. Why would you care what your GPC is? For bragging right?
It is pretty much of a useless number that doesnt influence anything, isnt it? :-)
Oh, and you can find it here:

Just see it as an alternative Top Players list.
It's a big achievement to be no.1 in the GPC list.
Wow .. this is the first time I know this formula .. :) Thx for Dragon Eater .. :) Yeahh .. Multi-Factionals play is a must to have a good GPC .. :)
thanks to all guys who answered.
but keep in mind high GPC means costly in all cases! I let you imagine the cost of being a multi faction player since level 12, high [HG, TG and MG]. Except may be LG and GG!
To Patrickou : Thx for the info .. :) Yeahh .. buildings level 12 are the most costly .. :) ^^
closed by Lord Edwin1908 (2011-08-07 14:37:35)
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