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AuthorWhat's the minimum number of troops
I'm level 12 and just switch from DE to Necro. My Necro FSP is 0. I try to buy all the buildings but i',m lacking money for the Death Envoys. I have Liches, Vamps, skel warriors, ghouls and ghosts. But, when i try to battle with others or take mercenary quests, i'm keep getting "Too few troops. Recruit more" I can't recruit more with this setting. So i ask: What's the minimum troops for me in this level and FSP?
Did you build Citadel?
not even castle.
Do you think that's it?
Just to say.. I really think lvl 12 necro will low fsp will kill your money + you'll be quite weak...
I'm almost sure that's it, look other necros they have 27 vamps and 60 ghosts... myself I'm plying demon without Cave demons and it's ok for all combats... so I don't think it's because of Death Envoys.
Thxs Johan.
I have built fort and still get the message.
I will try to raise money for the citadel now.
agree on #5

build castel if still not enough,build citadel
Ok i will do that...when i have the money.
Txs all
closed by Cardipeli (2011-07-27 00:42:23)
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