Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others-->
Author | Same ip in battle |
This happen on everyone for yourself battle, he said he was playing with brother and cousin, i read one issue about two brothers are doing that on EFY a weeks ago, maybe it is same guy?
Brothers dreamelf and dreamsomething...
If it is, should't give a permanent block?
Battle log -><=-1
Chat log ->
153~190:[abhix]: i am playing with my brother
155~190:[abhix]: and my cousing
183~201:[abhix]: so u saying we cannot play in same computers?
(Same comp, only one person can play in one comp or i'm wrong?)
207~215:[abhix]: yes i didn't know the rule
169~194:[olha]: abhix is only my brother
The suspect players, or player are
abhix, olha and alkazan
Not right forum, but they also got some transfer between... | AFK in battle
Battle log -><=-1
He was with 90% army left, and he left me alone, i ask why he did it by e-mail he said "I need go somewhere"
We have battle a long game, almost 1h and at the end he just leave me alone?
Thats a horrible panther and excuse to give...
Player name: ritik11 | Same player ritik11
Was on battle stagged, by multi account and it ins't on his profile
Battle log -> | move to CaA - FaO for finance assist investigate | Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles" to "Complaints and applications - Finance and others". |
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