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Authordestroy lg guild
Start rewarding peoples from playing not writing code and playing once or twice a day
+1 my brother
people have to work for gold

Then players who have gone for long tour will be in lg 1!
Players will get 5k a day and 24 on lg each day for loging in only once
i dont understand any posts here
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // provoking]

+1 xD
i dont understand any posts here
he mean player doing battle shall get reward instead of those who just come and enoll 10 times and do 1 hunt and go
no fun at all....bad idea.. -1..people will make many accounts and will log in once every day..just imagine~!5k a day means 30x5000=150000!
so if players is short on time to do battles. why on Earth should they missgain couse they enroll.

i know that myself some periods i dont have much more time other than enrolling.
how can u say 5k a day ?
naapa92 didnt mentioned 5k even /
How about . . .

Every Battle or Two, we get 1 LG Point. And in that case I guess LG would have to be replaced by some other Guild.

In this manner the Admin will even achieve the target of having more active players who battle.
Start rewarding peoples from playing not writing code and playing once or twice a day

Bad description, can you give any more details on how you would achieve this?!
for Io-AKA-oI:
How about . . .

Every Battle or Two, we get 1 LG Point. And in that case I guess LG would have to be replaced by some other Guild.

In this manner the Admin will even achieve the target of having more active players who battle.

Agree .. 1 LG point if we win in duel or group battles .. :)
And how do you guys think the facilities will work then ??
-1 again fail !
Epic fail
Epic -1
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