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Authorfarmer cabins?
do i need to upgrade? if yes what advantage i will have or will get?
increased troops available to recruit.
Farmer Cabins, upgrade your Farmers into Recruits (https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=conscript)
More Damage, more HP.
And Recruits have a better exchange rate when you reduce their numbers to increase the numbers of your other troops when using Knight Faction Skill:-Training (https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=38)
This ability allows the Knights to raise the strength of troops by extra-recruiting citizens. The lord can also upgrade lower rank troops up the tier. Thus, each Knight skill level allows the lords to recruit more bowmen, swordsmen, monks and cavalry at the cost of reducing the amount of lower level recruits.
Even if you don't use them, the building increases your other troops. So it should be a basic required building.
closed by Lord Edwin1908 (2011-07-20 17:53:24)
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