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AuthorHighest Exp. at Packmaster battle
Post your best "Packmaster" battles here:

My was this one (Packmaster and Defender):


82,5k exp. 5,15 fsp.

Epic victory!
Why there still Elephants left?
for Hypothermia:

the druids are cowards and will often flee when there is only 1 stack left
the druids are cowards


Then the creatures left will be taken as pet?
Epic victory!
Well done!
Then the creatures left will be taken as pet?82,5k exp. 5,15 fsp.

How much ammunition points did you have in that battle?
My best: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=30461477

92529 exp and 5,28 fsp with 70AP
omg all the damages were 1k plus 0.o
My best at CL 12


31503 exp and 6,6 fsp with 62 AP and 4x10% enchants
my best: 2,5 fsp

cost of the battle 125 gold
7 - You made it look like a hunt.
Then the creatures left will be taken as pet?82,5k exp. 5,15 fsp.

How much ammunition points did you have in that battle?

I had about 65-67 AP and 4x10% enchants
7 - You made it look like a hunt.

82,5k exp. 5,15 fsp.

insane exp/fsp ratio >_<

my best is ~7k exp and 2.5 fsp in 10 AP
50965 exp, 4.91 fsp (full arts, no enchant)

46045 exp, 5.94 fsp (full arts, no enchant)

I'm rarely meet defenders, only 3 times until now
I had about 65-67 AP and 4x10% enchants

Thanks! I was just wondering because I thought it was unfair that Defenders get lots more experience when they win (poor experience-to-skill point ratio). Then I realized, it's probably the artifacts they're wearing.
it's probably the artifacts they're wearing.
it is. but unlike thieves, defenders have much higher minAP number.
btw how do u use the prize (elephant/horse/cows) as a ride /transport?
they seem to just appear in inventory beside our hero character. how to activate or use em after winning them?
they are used when you travel.
elephant - travel duration decreased by 30%.
buffalo - by 50%.
stallion - by 70%.
My best is 13k exp + 5.37 fsp
closed by Lord RicHunter (2011-07-05 00:35:45)
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