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Authorricochet shot

Is there perhaps someone that already figured out how these things work?

Ricochet shot:
Whenever this creature deals ranged damage to an enemy, the projectile ricochets three times, each time to another enemy nearest to the previous one. The target takes full damage, the second-in-line - 50% damage, the third one - 25% damage, and the last enemy in line - 12.5% damage. Ranged penalty is applied to all those who are out of shooting range of this creature (more than 6 tiles away). The ricochet shot skips creatures with Demonic ability.

But the way I think it works:
- If you hit a creature with demonic ability, it does never ricochet.
- If you hit an enemy and the closest! stack to your target is a a demonic enemy. It will search for the next closest attack
-- If you hit an enemy and the closest! stack to your target is a a non-demonic enemy. It will hit that stack.
- If you hit an enemy and the closest! stack to your target is a an non demonic allied stack. It will stop the ricochet.
- If you hit an enemy and the closest! stack to your target is a an demonic allied stack. It will skip this stack and search for the next closest stack.
-for large creatures the bottom left counts as "placement"

Is this correct? That is what i found out during this tournament. But not enough battles to be 100% sure.

If this is correct than the information on the help page should be changed. Because it is incorrect.
I believe this is correct except I always thought the upper left counts as the target for large creatures.
It s correct from my experience and i was thinking like pant : upper left.

i would like to add just the fact that each bounce will be a shoot so within 6 hex to do the "normal" damages and if higher than 6 hex, just 50% of the "normal" damages.
So if the first target is out of range, but due to ricochet the second is in range from the mistresses, then both would get same damage?

First target 100% from ricochet and 50% from out of range = 50% damage
Second target 50% from ricochet and 100% from in range = 50% damage

would be logical.
but I think that the 2nd target gets only 25% damage...
The target takes full damage, the second-in-line - 50% damage
in this case the target takes 50% damage (counted as full damage) and the next one 25% (if more than 6 tiles distance between them - 12,5%).
I`d say it only depends on the trajectory of the shot itself, not on the troops position regarding mistresses. thus the damage won`t be equal in this case.
First thing is wrong btw. If you hit a demonic creature, it will ricochet to the closest non demonic target, except ofc that's an allied stack. So you can start the ricochet chain on a demonic enemy stack.
Aim and not aim (6 hex)

- First shot : Mistress to Pack1 = within 6 hex [100% damages]

- First bounce : Pack1 to pack2 (both pack should be within 6 hex, mistress does not count since first shot) [50% damages from the initial shot]

- Second bounce : Pack2 to pack3 (both pack should be within 6 hex, mistress and pack1 do not count since first shot) [25% damages from bounce 1]

- Last bounce : Pack3 to pack4 (both pack should be within 6 hex, mistress, pack1 and pack2 do not count since first shot) [12.5% damages from bounce 2]

you will apply the malus of 50% when not at aim.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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