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Authoris phishing evolving?
I've just received the following msg from vanshgreat https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4802694:

xxx.name of a site.ru

This site is much better than this.
Despite the fact that he is in another language
This is exactly the same yoke only a server for the best.
Log in using your username and password to the site. And play in the fun).
In the Latin alphabet

Curiously enough, he has sent 30k gold to atuk, who in turn was accused of being an hacked account.

Can someone explain me why these ppl bother so much to cheat and/or scam others' account? They dont seem to be lazy ;) So, why?
Beggars and scammers inhabit every enviroment. Online games are just breeding grounds for phishers. Its probably just the same guy as before and this is giving him the feel of being smart or important.
they do it because they are lazy....

people these days are just 2 lazy to work out,so they hack....or maybe,they really are advertising for other site..God knows what they think...P
hmmm, fussing around phishing, scamming, finding fake sites, writing msgs.... they don't seem lazy to me. Probably Omega22 is right, it's all about feeling smart.
The amateurs are just trying to see if they can do it (maybe are even lazy and wanting to feel superior too). The more professional ones are out there to make some real money.
Honestly , that guy is level 8 .
Why would people who are level 7 and 8 want to phish?
It's like throwing a year away .
All the hardwork you spent on this game gone to waste because you thought being a smart alec would work in making you a fortune
for FAILbot:
That might just be a scapegoat account. They use that account to front their business. It could be one of many accounts they have already stolen.
I like the way lexa spells it xD
Darn those phishers . Hope they get a million trojan horses .
Forgot to mention, in his transfer log.
Is it possible for admins to block their IP?
Even after lexa blocked a bunch of accounts they still seem to continue and that pretty much means their IP hasn't been blocked..
for gunninghawk:
Or the IP has been blocked, but the phishers are smart enough to mask/change their IPs.

For example I'm mostly on dynamic IP, so my IP changes all the time without me doing it on purpose.
Oh so there isn't much that can be done about it :( Except for people starting to be more careful and not fall in their trap..
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