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AuthorIncrease skill
I think Empire could bring a new method.Since tournament has only 7 chances,after that players cannot play.But by my method players can still play but cannot earn score.Instead they can earn skill points and experience,so that way people could increase the experience.I request this would make many people happy.
i would like that a lot but you would just use it to level up too quickly by going in the tournament constantly for a week
yeah.But it will be useful for many players who think that groupbattles and duels are tough.And for people who think eventhough it will take days,hunting is best.
-1...use it to level up too quickly by going in the tournament constantly for a week
also if you keep doing that tonry untill you get really really really good then they might go on there multi that could be same level then do the torny on that and since they got lots of practice then they will probely win
closed by Urukaik (2011-06-06 09:19:11)
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