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Authorthere was some things wrong?
1/ https://www.lordswm.com/inforoul.php?id=2176695 --> this is spin when 22:30:00 saturday,May 21,2011 no number selected!?!

2/ why i got 18976 gold penalty? I haven't do any thing wrong,do it? that transfer i post for auction and the last price i type randomly. And some did buy it with the highest price! Why you say that is Illegal Transfers
2) Looks strange indeed. Write a message to Secretary or Lexa. Maybe some wrong admin action.
There is nothing strange or wrong to give you the gold penalty.


This level 3 guy who bought 1 wood from u for 18697 was quitting the game. For anyone planning to quit the game, they are not supposed to transfer their wealth in some ways or another (etc... through abnormal sale price) to other players. It is deemed as financial assistance to some extent.
but i don't know you is he! But i know that character will be block because it can be control by many user! Check on bug me not website! I entered it to day and see that! This can explain his crazy action!
But admin should return the 1 wood i guess.
but i don't know you is he!

I dun quite get what u mean.

But i know that character will be block because it can be control by many user!

That character is BOW. Blocked by Own Will. He requested to be blocked I guess. It is not because of multiple accounts management.

Check on bug me not website! I entered it to day and see that! This can explain his crazy action!

Not sure what u mean but if you are referring to roulette, it could be a bug.

But admin should return the 1 wood i guess.

U can never predict what kind of crazy actions people would do to you. I am not saying that the admins are crazy but the one who bought the wood for 18697 gold. Thus, it is best if u dun do random stuffs like what he did and get the gold penalty + losing his wood.
I heard someone say on the forum : "Easy come Easy go"
What you got as the bonus, you lost only that much, except some gold from commission and the wood.
i need a clear answers but when i send admin letter he doesn't answer
Admins are very busy and I have explained to you why u have received the gold penalty. What u can ask from the admin is to tell them to give u back your wood and the gold charged for comission of the sale.
Q: I got X gold/resourses/items as a gift and
a) I don’t know this person – he just gave this stuff to me.
b) I know him – he’s my friend. But I didn’t know presents are goverened by rules (see Game rules)
c) I didn’t notice I got a gift
Why was I fined?
A: Easy come – easy go. You only lost what you received. Anything received for no reason (no description) or "dirty" reasons (received from hacked chars for example) should be sent back or to Empire.

Found here - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1838938

Or you could be glad that you were only penalised for the money you gained.

After doing a "trial run" (05-11-11 01:21: Sold: 1 Wood for 216 gold to JGMGJGT) and discovering that the maximum for a normal market sale of wood or ore is 216 gold (which, incidentally, no-one would spend for 1 wood), it appears that you typed in a "random" number that "just happened" to be for almost all of the money that JGMGJGT had?

An amazing coincidence? I think not.

Just imagine, had this "random" number been as little as 1000 gold more, JGMGJGT would have been unable to pay the Buyout Price and would have had to wait the entire 30 minutes for the lot to expire before he won the auction.

Who knows? Someone else might have accidentally bid on it in his place. I mean, 18K+ for 1 Wood? What a bargain!

Enjoy the fact that you didn't get a harsher penalty and consider yourself lucky. Especially since you already have 1 strike against you.

No not like you say. i post 2 pieces of wood right after each other. first i post 1 wood for 100k gold. and then my friend say that let him post for me another. then hie post 1 wood for 200 gold and ended price he type randomly. i have know that almost end of JGMGJGT's gold. I know that JGMGJGT is control by many people when i check this link from my friend: http://www.bugmenot.com/view/lordswm.com --> this is bug i i understand what my lucky is. It is somebody crazy buy that wood with all JGMGJGT's gold (i tress that not themain player you create JGMGJGT!)
No, actually you posted one piece of wood which he bought for 216 gold.

Having found that you could not sell it as a normal lot for 18K+ you found that you had to *buy* *another* piece of wood from the market so that you could sell it to him as a auction.

05-11-11 01:22: Sold: 1 Wood for 18697 gold to JGMGJGT as lot #2411102. Commission: 187
05-11-11 01:21: Acquired: 1 Wood for 186 gold from Moonsdey as lot #2411064
05-11-11 01:21: Sold: 1 Wood for 216 gold to JGMGJGT as lot #2411101. Commission: 2

Really, you didn't think the Admins would fall for it did you?

that is my friend do that too
dinhanh1997, just a question..was the person thar purchased that wood for 18k one of your charcters by chance?
yeah,i just lucky! i think my friend have hand of Midas! so i happy! that friend is people who control balanar123. But my lucky haven't been longer when admin penalty that. 2 wood sold right after posting it is perfect?
P/S: my friend do that again but with a cheaper price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your friend shouldn't play your account. That's password sharing. And is also not allowed.
no, he didn't play this account he just do that like a joke. He discovered that my account and his account have a same password!!!! he do that because i always take his account to go fighting out for experience but usually lost(rememer this account is not LORDSWM, this is HOMM online account!)
Noting you say is believable whatsoever. Stop making excuses, and deal with what you did. Don't complain about your penalty, which was no more than you made illegally. In fact, feel lucky that you weren't blocked.
dinhanh if i were your advocat i would advise you to be silent.

Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law!
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