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I made a mistake on the market in the sale of TGI

05-18-11 18:27: Sold item: "Thief invitation" [1/1] for 9680 gold to Ryla as lot #2432948. Commission: 97

Can you fix my mistake?
try contacting Ryla first
Because if he does not pay you the othere 940 000 or returns the thief invitation, he will get blocked.
TGI used by Ryla
I bought an invitation to the market and immediately used it and later unsubscribe seller with a request to return to it..how can I now be advise dear administration..who in this situation right and who is to blame..I will do-as to tell me the representative of administration..
for Ryla:
You may as well as be fined.Though an accident,it is an financial assist :(
for Ryla:
you should pay the rest of TGI's market value to the seller, as Sven91 told above.

otherwise it will be financial assistance and therefore you'll be either blocked or subject to a penalty, or a double penalty (there are precedents of both, when people get fined the entire or double-amount of the market price).

don't think you can get away this. you will have to pay anyway whether you like it or not. right now you have a choice how to do it - in honourable honest way (to pay the rest of the price to the seller) or to be forced by Empire and still lose your money or maybe even your character.

be wise and don't try to play a fool, that won't work anyway.
but it is ridiculous to make such a mistake with an item such as a TGI.
I write to Ryle with my idea

Date: 2011-05-20 10:43:35

Wait to answer...
if Ryla reaches TG2 fast and returns the TGI,everything would be OK,unless empire has something else to say.

and if he does get fined before,he won`t get a penalty more than 700k(30% less from the current TGIs price) and MisterTwister will get the 700k from the empire..as has been done in similar cases :)

in either of those cases Ryla will have more benefits,since he can still sell it with a gain of 300k if it is sold with the current prices.and there is no chance he is going to get blocked by this,since he didn`t do illegal actions on purpose.he can always say `i saw an opportunity and got the best of it` though it would have been best from him to return it

and you can`t deny it isn`t your fault.you hadn`t picked any other item to get the price messed up in it :D

but what ever is said it won`t do any good,an investigation will start to find out the bottom of this
if Ryla reaches TG2 fast and returns the TGI,everything would be OK,unless empire has something else to say.

Its TG5 b4 you get and invitation, and no its not ok to lease TGI anymore
for Khellendros:
i guess you are right,forgot the new rules XD
well then no biggie,just trying to lift the hopes :D
well i can quarantee ryla gets blocked or gets 700k penalty at minimium. 1kk isnt needed to pay only diff between 700k and sold price
for naapa92:

for abdullah:
it's not possible to reach TG5 in one month, so there is no more TGI leasing available, that's why he must to reimburse the seller
he shouldnt have to give him gold it was his own mistake so there fore he can deal with losing out on probly a million gold
Dear Frends!
I write to Ryle/ If shortly: give me 860k and close this problem!
letter: https://www.lordswm.com/sms.php?sms_id=6289760&box=out

Wait to answer... Now.
We have settled the question. Translate 500000 now and 360,000 to 22 June.
Question close!

05-21-11 10:10: Received 1 Gold from Ryla : 360k. v dolgy.
05-21-11 10:01: Received 500000 Gold from Ryla : 1-st additional payments for TGI

TGI cost 869k.

Good luck, All!
it still differs 200k from the market price, so i am not 100% sure if it is allowed
it still differs 200k from the market price, so i am not 100% sure if it is allowed
it is not illegal as tgi normaly cost is 700k
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