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hey pranju96 u have been trying to search for you since last few months.
i know that you are blocked and so if you have made an alternate ID again so please contact me its important.
and anyone knowing about pranju96 or her alternate ID is requested to inform me
please its very much important.
idk i frgot :((
hey pranju96 u have been trying to search for you since last few months.
i know that you are blocked and so if you have made an alternate ID again so please contact me its important.
and anyone knowing about pranju96 or her alternate ID is requested to inform me
please its very much important.

i know her codename now?? :D
what is it?
please tell blue emo
blue boy tell meh!! :?
Its CellDo
no celldo is'nt it
Pranju96 had uploaded her pic too and it was FAR different of her.
i dont believe she is it
Im sorry if i was wrong. But u can read it from her profile..
Donno how far its true..
i know :) she made an male id - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4857123
pr0_knight if you guys dont believe me then i will give you proof
sorry for double post write in this topic if you want the proof i have give it to macroflighter
for MacroFlighter:
Iam unable to PM you!
reset your settings..!!
setting changed
i got pranju back thank you i am locking dis post and i offer my most sincere gratitute to all of you who helped me. Thanks guys
closed by MacroFlighter (2011-05-18 19:20:18)
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