Author | Enroll 21 hours per day for 2 years is possible? |
You know me, I enroll a lot.
Just calculated:
Hours since I registered: 25521
Labour: 14228
Enrolled per day: 13.38003997
Well, we all know who the best (Brilliant):
Hours: 25908
Labour: 17010
Enrolled per day: 15.75729504
Insane, but possible.
Now here is a riddle for you:
- there is a player in this server who enrolled about 21 hours per day and not just one day or one week, he did that for almost 2 years! :)
Just asking a question.
Also want to know your opinions. |
Fanatic or bot-user. |
A guy who got blocked for using scripts.. forgot his name tho |
A guy who got blocked for using scripts
Nope, he is not blocked (was online several minutes ago). |
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... | :D |
for Macsek91:
Laborers' guild: 0 (18) +72 | |
my favourite player: xd | |
?? |
my bad it got to be this. id close to 300000 compared to robais 23000 and almost same enroll amount |
Question is, where is all the gold? I would be so minted if I had that many logs. |
5-01-11 19:44: Transferred 1000 Gold to Khellendros, Commission charged: 10 : Congratz for solving the riddle :)
1) Keep in mind that in order to enroll both connection has to be working:
- your connection
- LordWM must be online
So, you can't constantly enroll for 2 years without interuptions
2) And 24 hours per day is NOT possible even in theory, because you can't enroll exactly every 3600 seconds (sometimes no gold in facility, typing code takes time, etc.).
3) Even if your family helps you, they have to sleep too.
So, at best, about 22-23 hours per day is possible only in theory.
21? Hmm, maybe.
For whole 2 years? Hmm ...
By the way, his brother _Galandriel_ is very good too:
Hours: 19686
Labour: 14173
Enrolled per day: 17.27887839
(he also did many repairs for 1 gold for his brother :) ) |
i think there are a thread about that in forum some months ago. and the probability is, they working together for both character. but they didnt say that. |
4) And you can't enroll while you are in combat too. |
I do not believe someone can live with 3 hours sleep only for such an extented period. |
or many people on one account ...
it s not forbidden ? humm ... maybe ... |
@ Robai
It was unfair, Ialready knew ;o) I posted a topic a while ago, and he personally answered that he did't cheat. I respectfully said I did not eblieve him, and I still don't |
Using a Mobile Phone to enroll, then going back to sleep, 1 hr alarm. |