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AuthorUnofficial stakes on "Two Towers" game
A case where both main and multi are breaking the same rules individually.

Player (main): https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4616637
Transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4616637
The tavern games corresponding to the transfers can be found: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_cardlog.php?id=4616637

02-20-11 11:25: Transferred 1 Gold to cander, Commission charged: 1 : thats not a loan u paid me back thats the card game bet!!
02-20-11 11:23: Received 4000 Gold from cander : paid loan for hnkhiem
[He hasn't even played a tavern game with this guy, just received the gold disguised as an unofficial bet]

02-03-11 08:28: Transferred 1000 Gold to Kaningann, Commission charged: 10 : tavern bet

Player (multi): https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4764958
Transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4764958
The tavern games corresponding to the transfers can be found: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_cardlog.php?id=4764958

02-03-11 11:12: Received 3000 Gold from Maladrak : tower game :)
12-15-10 09:17: Received 4000 Gold from koloja : win in cards
12-14-10 07:58: Received 1000 Gold from Yashwizard : tavern bet!!!
12-13-10 07:07: Received 1000 Gold from Geokostis : bet
12-08-10 06:00: Received 1980 Gold from gmt325gh : tavern

In violation of:
3.19. Unofficial stakes on gold, resources and items in combats and "Two Towers" game are prohibited.

Above excerpts taken from the logs are just a few examples. There are a lot more.
closed by Lexa (2011-04-15 22:34:57)
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