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Authorwill it increase my no of troops ?
if i built training chambers .
yup 100% it will increase ur troops count

traning ability -
This ability allows the Knights to raise the strength of troops by extra-recruiting citizens. The lord can also upgrade lower rank troops up the tier. Thus, each Knight skill level allows the lords to recruit more bowmen, swordsmen, monks and cavalry at the cost of reducing the amount of lower level recruits.
only if you have at least fsp lv1
only if you have at least fsp lv1

In knight faction
Since you had bought the trining chambers and each time you level up your Knight Faction level you will have more troops, but remember to check in recruitement to see the extra amount.

#5 of course pang knows it s for Knight!
In knight faction

since he is talking on training chamber, i m sure he is talking on knight too.

or, do you think other faction can get training chamber? ;)
closed by KnightSlayer (2011-04-13 19:11:35)
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