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Author[Lease] [MH set][1200-1700/combat]
5 items and more:
+(15-24)% damage to neutral creatures.
1200 gold WG members - 1400 gold others

9 items:
+30% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's troops.

ring of flights 1600 gold
bone helmet 1600 gold
others 1700
prices do not include 1% tax empire

discounts for WG members
bow and arrows available
possibility of enchanted mh arts

When you send request, please specify what you want. Good luck all. :)
For those Lords and Ladies whose past times include the pursuit and killing of wild, innocent inhabitants of the dells and glades around here, you have come to the right place! Mistress Viola is well known in the Hunter's Guild as an excellent arms supplier, but not just any arms. She has for charter some of the best sets that the empire possesses for said killing ventures. Useful for both low and high level Lords/Ladies, the Master Hunter set can deal a total of 30% extra damage* to neutrals- NOT counting any of the original stat bonuses the set arts gives to the user. For those in the same Military Clan as her, you will get additional discounts too. Let the hurting** commence!!

*if the arts leased are enchanted, then you will deal even more damage
**hunting/hurting = different
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