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AuthorCharity Offer for convicts' rehabilitation
Heya dear convicts...

Anyone who has been imposed a penalty of at least 400.000 gold and and is trying to pay for his/her sins and become a clean lord again, is eligible for my offer:

As long as you'r serious about coming out to light again, and fight once every 10 enrolls, in minAP, I will repair any artifact from minAP set that has reached 0/MAX durability. Up until your balance turns positive back again.
(Even same type of art, but each individual art only when it is 0/MAX).

The only eligibility criteria has to do with me being convinced that you are serious about your decision to walk up to the light, and you'r not wasteful (like doing full arts battles with your full arts set from the cache, and such)...

Oh, most important: free of charge, gift.

PS: No herald may apply :p
Wow very nice offer, but most people who have a penalty over 400,000 gold have quit the game :P
for DragonEater:Sometimes other ppl dont quit but it do like everyday he/she do,enroll.

for naviron:good.
A great gesture, naviron.

Server needs more players like you - trying to boost morale and keep the numbers up instead of doing stuff that brings our numbers down.

Everyone deserves a second chance, and should be given a chance to redeem and prove themselves.

The server would not be in such a poor state, and a better place for all, if everyone thinks like you. Instead, we have some who just do stuff for personal gains, glory and benefits.

1 person CAN make a difference to the server. Question is, for good or for worse.

i thiknk cheaters shouldt be helped instead we should force them to donate if they want to continue
Lol i was waiting for naapa92 to comment :D
Good job naviron. Keep it going :)
i think cheaters shouldn't be helped instead we should force them to donate if they want to continue

You can't donate if you are blocked, can you? :)

That's why, everyone deserves a second chance, and should be given a chance to redeem and prove themselves.
#2 : People who have a penalty of 400k quit ? Even more than double was not enough :D

Good job naviron ! Thanks for helping the fallen !! ;)
That's why, everyone deserves a second chance, and should be given a chance to redeem and prove themselves.

and that chance is to donate ;)
very nice initiative!
should help people who are struggling with money issues. very nice thing to do :)
Nice 1.
Why not even make a even better offer? Each one that has a negative gold of 400k or more can send you the broken artifact and you will repair that one for free and give them even 100k for each artifcat that you are repairing this way?

The trick is: They CANT send items, because you need positive money for that.
for Arghmage: You'r wrong. They can send items, and for every item they send with recall, they also get 1 gold from me (bring down a bit more those hundreds of thousands).

03-17-11 12:12: Received item(s): 'Leather hat' [0/12] to be returned until 17-03-11 12:26 ; for 0 battles ; (repairing allowed) from Hallion91 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
You'r wrong.

Sorry for that. Than this is a nice offer from you. :)
repair that one for free and give them even 100k for each artifcat that you are repairing this way

LOL even 10k is too much to pay for an artifact to repair for free ... it's too much, definitely TOO MUCH. Even repairing for free is more than enough !!
naapa92 thats why no one likes you, and you have no friends
naapa92 thats why no one likes you, and you have no friends

Why so serious man? ;)

no need to hijack this thread, it has a good purpose.
Contrary to the popular belief, I'm not a kind guy!

I am mean, horrible and VERY UNFRIENDLY!
The avatar of this guy: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4303022 is my apprentice who is not even half as mean as I am!
And if I get my hairy hand on that herald, I'll wreak his head like a little pigeon, that's how hateful and terrible I am!

So, if you don't fit the case described above, imposed a penalty of at least 400.000 gold, DO NOT waste your time writing me soapy letters of how much in need of money you are! I couldn't care less about upgrading your apparitions or I don't know what!!!

IT IS SENSELESS to beg me for money! You won't get a cent, if not only an honorable place in my blacklist!

Heck! People, really!!!
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