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AuthorSome new ideas & suggestions...
First of all i want to congratulate everyone in this project! It is one awesome game! I have been playing around for some time now and i must admit it is trully great, relaxing and has huge potencial!!!
I have checked the "Ideas suggested multiple times" and the "Upcoming Features" so i will not repite some of those. On the other hand i will try to suggest a couple of things that I think would make the game better.

First i would like to say that i am doing this just as a suggestion, i am NOT saying the game in not great as it is... i am just saying I think it could be better... so please don't be rude if you don't agree. So that been said... let's start (be warned, this may take a while...)

LoWaM is clearly inspired by HOMM. It was first called "Heroes of War and Money" and now has changed to "Lords of War and Money"... but i have a new suggestion...
The name is the way people know you, it is crucial for gettin more fans. The better it sounds the more it will appeal... and therefore the more people will play it. I suggest the name "Lords of Swords & Sorcery".
Self explanatory.
WHY IS IT BETTER: Swords & Sorcery it's a genre in Fantasy... HOMM is a game based in a Swords & Sorcery setting, and since LoWaM is inspired by HOMM i thought it would be an interesting name. It basically plays around with the words Heroes/Lords of Might/Swords & Magic/Sorcery.

The overall game looks great, it's simple and intuitive, but there are some aspects that could get better. The game itself is very unique, specially the Roulette and Card game. I read that some players have asked for a Blackjack or Poker game too. My suggestion is tunning up the interface to make the game seem more like a whole. Right now while you access the different menus or tabs everything seems good... but the Roulette looks too... "vegas" and the card game looks like a totally diferent game. My suggestion is to make everything look like a whole.
It would make the player feel more engaged by the whole atmosphere of the game itself. It would be more appealing and overall everything would look like a whole and not 2 or 3 different games put togehter.
Well, maybe changing the look of the Roulette, making it have a "leather" rustic look, brown instead of green for example... "ink spots" instead of perfect circles. Making everything look more "medieval" more "Swords & Sorcery" and less "Online Flash Roulette". About the card game... why not making the Tower & Wall look like the faction the player is using at the moment. Imagine a Necromancer player playing with a Gothic-like Tower and Wall, or a Elven player playing with a Wooden Forrest Tower & Wall.
It will not change the gameplay itself but it would make the game feel more unique... more as a whole... like everything is part of ONE BIG GAME.

Since the game is called "Lords..." the factions should be named after them. Some of them already are... Knights, Necromancers, Wizards, Barbarians... but the Elves, Dark Elves and Demons refer more to the race or units than the Lords itself.
Again, just trying to make the game look and feel better.
Elves could be named Forrest Lords, Dark Elves could be named Warlocks and Demons could be simply Demon Lords.
Simply because it makes more enfasis on the Lords and that is what this game is about. It just polishes what it's already done.
Factions are great, my only problem is the whole similarity with HOMM V. I mean, i really like the game, but i think it would be better to show the inspiration of HOMM rather than simply HOMM V.
Since the name and concepts of HOMM are own by Ubisoft it would be better to stay away of just one of the titles and concentrate on showing the inspiration of all of the saga.
Basically instead of having every unit in each faction being it’s counter part on HOMM V, changing it and mixing it up so that most factions have some interesting concepts borrowed from other HOMM games. At the same time, the design of each “new unit” should be new and fresh. I doesn’t need to be completely redone, but just enough to show a difference. A good example is the difference between HOMM V sprite and LoWaM sprite. It’s the same unit, same abilities, and same stats… even the design is similar, but it is different. HOMM V sprite is naked while LoWaM sprite has some bush like dress covering parts of the body. Same goes for the town screens… they are basically a carbon-copy of HOMM V, why not making original looking towns for it faction?
Some people could ask themselves "Why play LoWaM if I can simply play the real thing HOMM V?" Well, with different units, the overall game would look fresh and new, and it will offer things that HOMM V doesn’t. The game also will look it's own… of course the inspiration would be noticible, but it would be a game of it’s own!
Here I will post some ideas on how to change in “some” way each faction so that it looks different without changing tiers, stats and abilities of units since that would be against the rules. I am just gonna suggest changes in unit design and name, but everything else would stay the same. Basically, just changing the visuals. I am gonna make a post for each faction so that I don’t reach the limit… this is the second time I right this topic because of that XD… bare with me :P I’ll leave some comments of each units of what I think could be relevant and maybe even leave a picture to show some kind of desing I think could work for that units, either the basic one, the upgrade or both, the pictures are NOT there to say the unit should look exactly like that,… it’s just to get the idea. Most of the names would simply be the ones in the HOMM series, since they are NOT final as I said it’s just to give and overall idea.
The Knight Lord looks good it looks different than the one in HOMM V so that is fine… the units of the knight are very generic so I am just posting images to give overall ideas, it doesn’t mean that I want them to look exactly like that.
--Lvl 1– Peasant / Militia
Needs to look different… maybe making him less fat and the militia with a simple helmet and some chest armor.
http://www.metal-soldiers.com/i/M21.jpg imagine the peasant with a helmet and a different weapon.
--Lvl 2– Crossbowman/Heavy Crossbowman
The crossbow should be the distance weapon of choice for the Knight’s army. In this way the elven archer would look more original.
--Lvl 3– Squire/Footman
Basically very similar to the one we have now, just some minor differences to make it it’s own.
--Lvl 4– Griffin/Imperial Griffin
Same as above.
--Lvl 5- Cherub/Seraph
A minor angelical entity with two wings. Using just a robe. Stats and abilities of the priest.
--Lvl6- Cavalier/Champion
Self explanatory
--Lvl7- Angel/Archangel
A mayor angelical entity with four wings. With armor and a sword.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-9v6mjVxMps/TRJNk7zBI3I/AAAAAAAAA-s/IEcsTu-Cco0/s1600/Archangel_Micha el_by_Isthar_art.jpg
As you can see the overall feel of the Knight is the same, every units will keep, tier, stats and abilities just changing its look. The mayor change could be the Angel and the Cherub… which make the Knight different from HOMM one and at the same time clearly inspired by him.
The Necromancer lord it way too similar to HOMM V one… why not making him a little different. http://dungeonsmaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Necromancer11.jpg a simpler aprouch... face could be more undead with green glowing eyes.
--Lvl1- Skeleton/Skeleton Archer
A simple skeleton with a sword like HOMM II
A simple skeleton with an bow and quiver.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3504/4059576663_14bb509e04.jpg It’s simple and it get’s the job done.
--Lvl2- Walking Dead/Zombie
The first one less rotten that the last. Walking dead like it just died…
Zombie like its dead for a while now… with bones coming out.
--Lvl3- Ghost/Spectre or Banshee
A female ghost like HOMM II… white dress, white face, white hair
--Lvl4- Vampire/Vampire Lord
Something like HOMM VI in full body armor.
---Lvl5- Liche/Archlich
The Liche could be more of a mummified body in a cloak with no helmet, while the Archlich could be a completely undead skeletal mage… showing how time destroyed the mummified body turning it to bones.
--Lvl 6- Dark Knight/Death Knight
The Anti-paladin… the powerfull undead champion. HOMM VI Might Necro Hero looks fitting.
--Lvl7- Bone Dragon/Spectral Dragon
As you can see the overall feel of the Necromancer is the same, every units will keep, tier, stats and abilities just changing its look. The mayor change could be the Dark Knight.
The wizard exactly like HOMM V but without the mount. I would suggest making him look more of a HOMM II Wizard Hero with a long white beard and a white wizard look.
--Lvl1- Gnome/Gnome Master
Exactly the same concept as a Gremlin, but more original.
--Lvl2- Gargoyle/Obsidian Gargoyle
I like the one in LoWaM it looks similar to the one in HOMM II and III.
--Lvl3- Rock Golem/Iron Golem
Simple unarmed humanoid Rock & Iron Construct.
--Lvl4- Adept/Magician
Imagine an Aprentice of magic. Stats, abilities and tier of the original mage. Basically a young mage.
--Lvl5- Mage/Archmage
A full fledge old Mage, the Genie stats and abilities would make him good for hand-to-hand and casting random spells (since it knows so much spells it’s always something different) and he is not afraid to go melee.
--Lvl6- Genie/Djinn
The Rakshassa stats, tier and abilities would make the Genie the mystical champion of the Wizards. A master at hand-to-hand combat.
--Lvl7- Colossus/Titan
The ultimate wizard construct.

Overall keeps the HOMM feel, but minor changes makes it feel new.
The Forrest Lord looks good… its different from any HOMM hero.
--Lvl1- Sprite/Pixie
Looks great, I would only add some butterfly wings to it to make it even more different than HOMM V.
--Lvl2- Centaur/Centaur Guard
With the stats, abilities and tier of the blade dancer the centaur could fit the role great. Even being able to hit with a spear and kicking with its horse legs would fit the “Blade Dance” ability.
--Lvl3- Elf Hunter/Elf Marksman
Elf Hunter is your standard Elven unit. The Elf Marksman is a light armored version of the unupgraded one.
--Lvl4- Druid/Druid Elder
Druid is a young hooded druid, Druid Elder would have a long white beard.
--Lvl5- Unicorn/Silver Unicorn
--Lvl6- Treant/Ancient Treant
A stronger version than that of HOMM V… Ancient Treant would have yellow/orange leaves.
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090519183842/forgottenrealms/images/thumb/6/65/Treant_- _Lars_Grant-West.jpg/250px-Treant_-_Lars_Grant-West.jpg
--Lvl7- Firebird/Phoenix
Returning to the Forrest this mystical being could fit perfectly, just like in HOMM I,II and IV, the stats of the Green dragon would fit just right. Firebird should be simply an orange bird that spits fire and the Phoenix a completely fire covered Bird.
As you can see some units change to give the faction a different look from HOMM V, it’s inspired on HOMM I, II and III in some way.
I haven’t seen the barbarian lord yet… haven’t fought with anyone using him so I truly don’t know. About the units I have seem some, and I think the Barbarian in more based on HOMM III than the one in V which is actually good. But still… some minor changes to add different types of “green skins” not just different types of orcs.
--Lvl1- Goblin/Hobgoblin
Classic Goblin and a more armored version for upgrade.
--Lvl2- Wolf Rider/Wolf Raider
Goblin on a wolf and Hobgoblin on a wolf (to simplify drawings)
--Lvl3- Orc/Orc Warrior
--Lvl4- Ogre/Ogre Shamman
--Lvl5- Giant Eagle/Roc
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dt0rN53926k/TAzl-bNZyzI/AAAAAAAACEI/D2jwtI-QbXA/s1600/Roc_by_GENZOMAN .jpg
--Lvl6- Troll/Cave Troll
The troll comes back as the rock hurling maniac he was in HOMM I and II.
--Lvl7- Cyclops/Savage Cyclops
Overall just adding a little more flavor with different green skin races united. Feels like old HOMM faction, i am NOT really sure if this are trully the tiers and units in LoWaM since i haven't played against a Barbarian, but i think this gives the idea of what i think could work for the barbarian.
The warlock hero looks fine… I like it, but it’s the same as HOMM V. I suggest something more… classic.
About the units… same as the Barbarian we need more variety. So here we go…
--Lvl1- Troglodyte/Troglodyte Guard
He could throw javalines intead of the crossbow of the scout.
--Lvl 2- Harpy/Harpy Hag
Same stats and abilities as the Blood Maiden.
--Lvl3- Minotaur/Minotaur Guard
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_NZJ0Vnc_ARE/TNtRZisHPWI/AAAAAAAAACc/A-kOU95BCAQ/s1600/minotaur%255B1% 255D.jpg
--Lvl4- Dark Elf Rider/Dark Elf Raider
A Dark Elf riding a lizard (not a T-Rex, not a Velociraptor… a lizard) Imagine the Rider in the first pic… riding the mount on the second pic.
--Lvl5- Hydra/Savage Hydra
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FVO6SYS7_rU/TAg6BBnxRmI/AAAAAAAAEO4/tlRC993QY3E/s1600/Hydra_2_by_el_g rimlock.jpg
--Lvl6- Evil eye/Beholder
Caster unit with good melee like the Witch.
--Lvl7- Red Dragon/Black Dragon
Being a lizard oriented faction the Dragon is in the top of the food chain.
As you can see it looks like HOMM II and III, but with it also keeps the Dark Elf from V but as a singular unit not 3, leaving space for some interesting creatures of HOMM saga.
The Demon Lord looks good, it’s similar to HOMM V hero, but it is it’s own design, so I like it. About the units… as always some changes in design and concept.
--Lvl1- Imp/Familiar
--Lvl2- Inccubus/Infernal Inccubus
Instead of the Brute demon, we get the Inccubus, an infernal knight-like creature… similar to the succubus but male.
--Lvl3- Hellhound/Cerberus
Hellhound 1 head, Cerberus 2 or 3.
--Lvl4- Succubus/Infernal Succubus
More of a Humanoid look…
--Lvl5-Hell Stallion/Nightmare
--Lvl6- Pit Fiend/Pit Lord
--Lvl7- Demon/Archdemon
Not devil… demon ^^

Basically de DEMON LORD as the KNIGHT can’t change that much…. A couple of suggestions here and there to make it look a little more fresh, but that is about it.

Sorry for this HUGE posts but it was the only way to say everything and be clear about it. This are just ideas, i am not implying anything... just trying to be helpfull... give me your thought but please be serious about it, you are free to disagree but don't flamming or insults please.

Thanks for your time.
Some time that must have taken!
I read this and thought "this person has a really vivid imagination". Its obvious that you have thought a lot about the game.

I do agree with you that the name "Lords of War and Money" is a little unwieldy, but it does prewarn players that fighting without thinking about costs will cause problems...and indeed it does as I found out.

I have grown to like the factions and creatures as they are and feel a bit resistant to seeing dramatic changes to the graphics, but change does happen and you never know...perhaps it will happen.
but we have 0% chance for updates... no admins,no assistant here.
understandable,more money is being looked for there. --> ru. server
nice job. must have took a long time. good pictures and models.
Very nice attempt.

The problem is these changes are like making a new game in itself. 99/9% chances won't be changed.

Anyways, we all appretiate your sincere attempt. Keep on suggesting :)
I agree with Liongo waste of time for the admins as well where they could be making better improvements like events
@ quickuser

since when has a creative excercise been a waste of time? Rasdel has done some thinking which may not make a difference here, but it is his creative expression and I don't think that is ever a waste of time. I have written lots of things that no-one will ever publish...it makes the space for the next thing which might be :)

"Keep it up Rasdel, but beware of unreal expectations " This speaks old Rilin as she wanders off to the next battle.
for Rilin: yup, you are right. His work is very good, but since this game has come so forward, it can't be changed so much. But still, his efforts are appretiated and could be used to create a new game might be :)
Thank you guys for you honesty... this where just ideas that's it. I am actually enjoying the game very much just the way it is... i think it's great... my suggestions where simply to change the game graphic-wise simply to make it a little different.

I don't think it would be making a game again... if that was the case i wouldn't have suggested it. I have done games myself, using tools like GAMEMAKER :P Haven't done games on java (though that is my next step), nor browser games like this, but the principle is basically the same. You have a graphic sprite to represent X thing. I am just saying they should change that graphic sprite... the CORE of the game, shouldn't be touch.

I know what i am talking about cause i made a "Transformers" game once XD (platformer) and i change it's graphics 2 times, improving the Sprites of the Characters and Setting.

It's trully a pitty that there are not many people behind this project anymore. I will offer any assistance i can give. If i have to show my work i will gladly do. Though keep in mind i am an "amateur" gamemaker XD. I honestly see a lot of potencial in this game i would like to see it shine. Thanks for your comments.

for Rasdel: yup,some graphical improvements can be made but a huge problem is: those who have slow internet connections (like me) will not be able to play the game properly.

(P.S. Even I use Game Maker and am a huge fan of the great software (Not advertising it :)))
I am not saying IMPROVE the graphics... i am saying change them so they look original... not just a carbon-copy of HOMM V units and towns. Keep the style, keep the overall feel... change the look. So it wouldn't affect the gameplay for people like you.

Since you touch the subject i have been thinking about accelerating the gameplay. I though of reducing the "sounds" that are played in combat. FOR EXAMPLE: when i play, the thing that takes the most to load is sound, even when the battle starts, it is still loading. SO i though it would be a good idea to reduce the amount of sound files that load in any given battle.

HOW? Do we really need to hear EACH creature growl and scream with EVERY hit they receive? I don't think so...

My suggestion regarding sound is... keep general sounds:
-Steps (can be used for any creature)
-Attack (sound of weapon hitting)
-Extras (if necesarry, spells and such)

We don't need the "OUCH" of every hit... i think... and that is a bunch of sounds right there that wouldn't need to load. I my opinion, sometimes less is more, keep it simple...

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